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Pamela Kibildis

Awesome Reaction Elijah So For Now I’ll Just Say Buckle Up Cause The Rest Of Season 2 Is EPIC & INSANE!!!! Happy New Year To You and Your Family can’t wait for your next GF reaction 😁😁 And Looking Forward To Your KIPO Reaction Too 😊

song sl

I was waiting for you to react to this episode! 😃 Now I know you kinda dislike Mable, and I’m not here to change anyone’s mind, but I think that she is a good contrast to Dipper’s character. Like Dipper is “the smart” guy/twin and he uses his logic a lot, and Mable is the more “emotional/heart” girl/twin, as she trusts people more, tries to help people around here (even tho sometimes it get them into trouble), and all in all is very loving. Let’s give her credit for that seeing as if it was up to Dipper he would have turned the machine off (because it was “the logical” thing to do) but she trusted Stan and used her heart, which led to her making the right choice. And as for 2 episodes ago (the one with Robbie), she literally says “how can I be happy when people around aren’t?” (or something along that line) which shows her big heart. Anyways, I’m not here to change any opinions or argue, I just wanted to share my own personal opinion on the matter and highlight that she did make the right choice in this episode, which will (obviously) greatly affect the remaining episodes. Can’t wait for you to react to the other episodes! Also, you should definitely rewatch some episodes (if not the entire show because you can find so many clues hidden in various episodes!)


Stan and Ford's younger sibling is the twin's grandpa

Curtis Murphy

Oh, this is another person that dislikes Mabel? Guess I'll unfollow this patreon then. Probably ignores the stuff Dipper does while highlighting Mabel's shit.