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Password: Hugo



song sl

I was so surprised to see this notification! Hope you and your family are feeling better! Sending you good vibes! ☺️ And yeahh you finally saw Hugo’s back story! 😃 I told you (on episode 6 I think) that he’s not all that bad and now you know why 😁 he’s just very complex and hurt the poor baby 😅 Anyways to answer some of your questions (spoiler free ofc): I think he can’t control people with his mind, he just whispered the instruction to that monkey girl so that the others won’t hear. No he doesn’t control the other monkeys with his pheromones, only the humans. He even said he only uses it on humans when the Newton wolves came to his palace. Lastly, him and Kipo are not biologically related, he just considered Song and Leo to be his parents (and I think they considered him as somewhat of their adopted son or something very close to it). Anyways hope you enjoy the rest and can’t wait to see you owl house reaction 😊


Life always comes first Elijah don't worry about us.


Something that's below the surface just a bit is that Dr. Emilia is a not only a bad person, she is BAD at science in multiple ways because she's a eugenicist and eugenics is bunk science. She is doing the opposite of science because she has a specific goal and ignores all evidence, data, and results that arn't the specific thing she's looking for, and her insisting on so many formulas being administered at once makes any results useless because she'll never know which one worked or what combination or interaction between them worked. The target audience is too young for the show to say the word eugenics, but it's absolutely no coincidence the blonde-haired blue eyed lady is the villian obsessed with the genetic "purity" of humanity and absolutely considers Kipo inhuman and disposable