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Hello, everyone. First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for your beautiful and kind messages. It's been a very difficult time for me and I really appreciate the support. With Megacon over, I am flying out to Pennsylvania tonight to be with my grandma. She is not getting better, so I want to make sure to be there for her and my family.

As for content and reactions, I have some reactions and gaming videos already filmed, they just need to be edited and uploaded. I will be taking my equipment with me to PA since "The Owl House" finale is coming up, as well as other content I would like to react to, and I'm not sure how long I will be out there. Please just give me a couple more days and I will hopefully start getting some new content back up on the channel and here on Patreon.

Thank you all again for everything and especially for giving me the time to take a breather. You're all amazing.

Stay tuned! 



Sending love and prayers for your grandma, yourself, and your family. I hope you'll take all the time you need. Authenticity and compassion are always kept at the heart of the work you do. We totally understand!

Nicholas Lemos

I wish you and your family peace and comfort.


Take all the time you need. 🌈