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This video may be disturbing, please do not watch if you are not interested in this kind of stuff

It has collision and physics, you can also adjust its bones to change the shape, not only that, you can also change the range of collision by adjusting the value of each bone size

You can get the linear physical effect of the bones you want by adjusting the physical values ​​and linking methods of each bone(Like the swing of a rope, harder or softer, or it should have some bouncy)

Of course, you can also use it as a worm or tentacles to add to the scene

This also came at the request of one of the supporters, although the time gap is a bit long. . . But it's done, hope he likes the effect

It's an interesting experiment, which can make a lot of interesting things, such as hair accessories, such as bows and arrows that can be pulled apart, or exoskeletons that link the atoms of body parts and move and rotate with them.




ehhh neeed to create account login and so on :)