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Please make sure that the name of the discord role you added is consistent with the one bound to patreon~~~

If your two characters have different names, they will be removed by patreon bots

If you haven't joined discord server, please send me a message



Completely do not understand you guys why do you force us to create account on third party applications like discord, waste time to learn how to use it and so on. and do not even put some screens where to look for download links. or some direct links to go to it in discord. I see your content on hub, get idea wow thats guys create so good stuff i want it now(and support him), i subscirbe u and cant get what i want couse i have to get some Discort, ok i have it even , next hit, there is no czgt, ok i seek and find answer disconnect an dconnect again. i do it i seee czgt on my list and bum no download section or sth like this. and bum my hapiness and youlikness go down to "ok that was not worth my time and money"


I don't understand why you have such doubts...... If you directly click on the link in the post, the browser will automatically open the page to the corresponding information in channel discord. If you hate using discord you can message me and tell me the post link you want and I will send you the download link.