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With the story generation comes animation work (as always) and of course writing the story with my.. engrish.. >_<

So.. on Saturday i created some animations for a device which will be used relatively early in the game (nothing lewd.. except if you find *** on the ship) and i also made some additional animations for the ship.

On Sunday i added some Vn event to the story and uncounted several bugs i had to tackle. Disappearing ships after loading the game , terrible environmental lighting , morphs who did not want to stay on one character..etc..etc.. game development >_<

Anyway.. Next weekend, I will continue with the story until i have a sufficient amount for the first release. And i actually hope that the game will be any good. But.. This is not for me to decide i can only do what i can O.o




If that booty is anything to go by the game will be a 10/10


It was requested from someone to change the size of this posterior. So.. i have one morph for this which can be used when inside the character morph changer.