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I have a big exam tomorrow, wish me luck!

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“I don’t know what you’re complaining about honey, I put you in a thick one because it’s bedtime and we both know how much of a potty pants you can be when you’re asleep!”

He muttered something from behind his pacifier, to anyone else it would have been almost meaningless baby but mommy was used to translating ‘paci talk’

“It’s still light outside?” She repeated, “I know but little boys have little bedtimes! Besides Mommy was going to go out this evening, didn’t you notice I was all dressed up?”

“Don’t get upset, I’m going to make sure you’re all nice and tucked up and cosy, a warm bottle with a good bedtime story and a soft teddy to cuddle up to. Then mommy is going to go out and have some fun in the evening, who knows… I might even bring someone back!”

“You know I’ll always love you the most, but remember to be just as polite and cute as you are to me to the man I bring home tonight!”



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