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“Tell me again how you want to go back to being a big girl”. Mommy teased in her soft caramel tone of voice as she let her breasts hang down in front of her and as she teased the vibrating wand over the tingly parts of your diaper. You tried to speak but you could only quiver and squirm in response.

“I .. umm ohhh.. I” you moaned.

“Tell me again how you want to stop sleeping in this cute comfy crib looking up at mommy’s breasts, aching to be suckled on. Big girls don’t get to make any sticky messes in their diapers, they don’t get any time with the buzzy wand!”

“If you’re really sure you want to stop being Mommy’s little girl then that’s fine, we can take this diaper off you, dress you up and send you off to work like a proper adult! Just let me know before you make stickies” she teased, pushing the vibrator around, backwards and forwards.

You didn’t say anything, but let out and obvious moan.



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