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“Here it comes! Are you ready?”

Mommy lifted the spoon of gooey orange baby food up to her mouth. It was impossible to tell the flavour based on just the awful smell!

“Mommy, I don’t want…” she hardly had time to whine and kick up a fuss before mommy thrust the spoon into her open mouth, twisting it around making sure that all the gloopy food went into her mouth and the spoon came out clean.

“Swallow it down for mommy”

She tried her hardest to swallow it down but the lumpy mixture just stuck to the inside of her cheeks and the roof of her mouth, she tried moving her tongue around her mouth but she could hardly swallow enough of it down before mommy would thrust another spoonful of the disgusting savoury mix into her mouth.

“Orange, apricot, apple and banana” mommy told her as she scraped the remains of the bowl onto the spoon. She was just glad that the damn bowl was nearly empty, even if most of the food was still in her mouth resisting being eaten.

“But don’t worry, there’s plenty more jars in the kitchen! I’ve even got ones that will make your tummy feel quite rumbly later!”



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