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Here’s the caption text! Hope you enjoy ✨

I caught these two naughty boys when they thought no one was paying any attention to them.

After they were all dressed up in their pyjamas, teeth brushed with their thick nighttime diapers on (a necessity for these two bedwetters!) and they thought that Daddy had left them to go back downstairs… I heard some little crinkling sounds.

Crinkling sounds and the noises of two diapers being rubbed softly together underneath the bedcovers. Slowly at first but then these two desperate little boys began to rub harder and faster with little moans and the panting of breath.

Daddy knows it isn’t good for little boys to make stickies too often, and they knew that too. But they were a little too overexcited to remember.

I hung around until they were deep in the act of enjoying their diapers, their eyes rolled back into they heads with pleasure when I burst through the nursery door! Stopping them before they got too far and squirted into their padding.

This is why they’re not standing in the corner sobbing with red cheeks!



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