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May is basically upon us, so it's probably best I get started on the April Patroncast and continue pretending that the naming protocol hasn't collapsed back into anarchy...

Just in case you're new, this submission thread is where you get to ask questions, suggest topics, or tell me about your favourite Advance Wars CO.

So ask away, and I'll update this post when the Patroncast is recorded, so as long as there isn't an edit below saying that, everything should be good :)

EDIT - The Patroncast has now been recorded, as the ancient scrolls foretold, so further questions cannot be included.

All the best,




Hi Jon, hope team MATN is all well. Sorry, this is going to be a long question, but it appears you've had a few of those this month, I guess it's going to end up being a long Patreoncast! A bit of a two parter (sorry) - I presume you've seen the flood of Stellaris DLCs over the past month and the big 3.8 update - with the two DLCs in particular, I do feel there's a great opportunity for a new Role Play series in part because of the new council mechanic and how it's expanded with the Galactic Paragons DLC and the expanded civics, origins and RP flavour that's been added recently - can we persuade you to look into it please :) Part 2 - I see it's also picked up a Co-op mode. I'd like to pitch an idea of a community Stellaris night at some point (yes, I know you can't play a stellaris match in one night!, but just as a test). In a style similar to the Paradox Stellaris Streams, you'd have say 3 teams of between 2 and 4 players from people in the community (to keep the numbers manageable), headed up by trustworthy members (mods perhaps) who would speak for the team from time to time, when wars are declared etc.. - that way you reduce the risk of someone saying something they shouldn't! The co-op player leaders would then manager the teams as they see fit, be given empires to role play as etc.. I appreciate it would take a bit (ok, a decent amount) of time to setup, but it could be a different way to run a community night and get some of the community involved in the actual livestream, over and above just being part of the game - ala Fallguys etc.. Keep up the good work, your videos always brighten my day, even if they do air a bit late for us UK based :)


Ok, a sneaky third question! - I saw a video recently by Juicehead which featured a Fallout Mod with new voice acting which had been generated by AI, using the original voice actor's existing lines to generate new lines in a AI generated voice that sounded just like theirs. This can then lend it self to opening up new lines of dialog with existing characters as well as new ones really enhancing the immersion you get from the mod, compared to just reading the text as we had to previously or put up with extremely questionable voice acting! Just wondered if you had seen it and your thoughts on a) the ability to do this and the possible impact on mods & b) the tech itself - on the one hand it's amazing what it can do, but on the otherhand is it right to use an AI generated copy of a performers voice to generate new content for free? It's possibly one of the biggest things to come along in Fallout Modding for years and has pretty big potential - would it be a persuading factor in featuring a mod if it was suitable for the channel? Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VfLc8oPE20

Will Shelton

Why don't we see more CRPG games on the channel? Lots of obsidian games to choose from pretty pls Jon. I'm assuming that they don't get high views? Ps I loved the KOTOR run and it actually got me to play the amazing KOTOR 2 , the llearning curve was initially too steep for me. Having said that Skies of Arcadia may scratch that itch? Or is that more JRPG?

Kaleigh Alexander

Hello Jon, Claire, and Ted!! Hope you all are doing well. This question is for Claire. I know Jon has stated that he doesn’t have tattoos and would personally not get one. Do you have any tattoos? Personally I have quite a few nerd tattoos. I have a patchwork lord of the rings sleeve.