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Good evening Patrons, and welcome to your early access to the latest episode of the PodCats, and this month we're talking about the 3 Bs - Blood, (Mr) Blobby, and (Red) Bull.

You can listen along right here, or you can just download it - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sqLW36SblUR90nFnw617dt8GiGlbvYIg/view?usp=share_link

Alternatively, there's the unlisted YouTube video over here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8PRQl8neTo




Can’t help but notice we don’t have a link to Dan’s controller…

Theo watson

Jon it sounds like the energy drink you want to try is mother

Tuff Jiggly

There's another energy drink with the name of a weak person that also is a synonym for a tabby cat that might be his speed