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Good evening Patrons, and welcome to early access to the latest episode of the PodCats, where Jon's a bit too interested in time travel, Dan discovers a new principle of astrophysics, and Matt tries to explain the joy of wrestling...

You can listen along right here, or you can just download it - https://drive.google.com/file/d/13UHgOEt6fkheQaTcWCsMq3yT-tR7T6GG/view?usp=sharing

Alternatively, there's the unlisted YouTube video over here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XblhVOfNfg




Watched Doctor Strange 2 yesterday thought it was good. My favourite thing about the MCU is how there are so many different genres, as you said they get in different directors and just let them go nuts and it results in some great stuff


Loved Code: Veronica. Really hope a remake comes