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So as it's literally the last day of January right now (in the UK at least), it's probably best we get cracking on the January 2021 Patroncast, as we return to a naming structure that would make much more sense if I just bumped it forward a month, but I'm not going to do that regardless.

Just in case you're new, this is where you get to ask questions, suggest topics, or join me in being excited about the spot of snow we just had in the UK.

So ask away, and I'll update this post when the Patroncast is recorded, so as long as there isn't an edit below saying that, everything should be good :)

EDIT - Sorry, folks, it's recorded, so no more questions can be included.

All the best,




Have you taken at least 1 day off since December?


Hi Jon! Was just curious how many of your videos get demonatised? Your commentary is mostly family friendly however some of the games you play aren't quite so.


You JUST missed the recording, but very few - content ID is the biggest source of issues, and we generally stick to pretty YouTube friendly games.