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It's time for me to put together this month's Patroncast, which will totally come out in December, but really early in December, so let's call that a win.

EDIT: This has now been recorded, so further questions cannot be included.

Just in case you're new,  this is where you get ask questions, suggest topics, or contribute to the increasingly hostile debate over whether pasta is a subset of noddles, or noodles are a subset of pasta.

So ask away, and I'll update this post when the Patroncast is recorded, so as long as there isn't an edit above saying that, everything should be good :)

All the best,




Aww, I missed my chance to ask you about Dragon Age: Origins...


It’ll happen Toa, have faith. ^_^


Is there any chance of the "Previously on..." intro's coming back? I feel like they added a lot of character to a series, I understand they increase the work load but I think they'd do great in the more kind of special series, for instance Sunday series like Frost. Especially since those are weekly and one might have forgot what was going on last week. If one has as terrible a memory as I anyway.