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OKAY this boys' outfit is a DISASTER and it gets worse the more you stare at it. (his gloves dont even match!!). Ah well. Either way, gotta fight slimes with your mouth closed.

ANyway! an update for those who havent seen it on my twitter/tumblr, my mom was diagnosed with pneumonia after going into the ER a few days ago, and while things seem to be doing okay, she's getting tested for other stuff. Fingers crossed that they dont find anything real bad 🤞🏽.

That said, her being in the hospital has been rough on me mentally the past few days, so while im noooooot particularly later than i usually am, there's a chance i'm gonna be unable to work and will be late. As usual, my usual offer for those who unpledge is still available, so just hit me up if you unpledge at the end of the month, and i dont have all the fills uploaded!



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