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After answering a curiouscat ask that asked how my week was been with the customary but distant "stressful but fine!" it kinda dawned on me that i havent really been as chatty as i used to be.

These past year and almost 1/2 since The Purge of 2018, i've been feeling less Emotionally Available™, which is attributed to a lot of things; Current events, RL obligations, acquiring new digestive/allergy problems, Getting Old™, etc etc.

For the most part, things are doing ok! Got stimulus checks this week and im pondering of what new equipment to buy. Gonna ask around for recommendations on tablets with screens and get a laptop maybe (or at the very least, go get work done on my teeth that i've been putting off for 2 years cuz No Money, haha.)

Good news aside, the big thing that's had me stressed out these past couple months is that my mom has been very sick. We dont know what's the matter, and it's making my Anxiety run haywire.

Given my mom is the main breadwinner of the household, her being sick is Not Great, and to sorta cope with stuff I've been setting up contingencies for the worst which, in addition to coping, are necessary, and i think changes that sorta need to come eventually even if everything goes our way.  God forbid my mom gets to the point she is unable to work or worse, but in such an instance I WILL need to adjust prices to compensate for the work she can no longer do, cuz living in California is fuckin expensive.

I can't say i have it all thought out in full just yet, but commissions will definitely be increasing price by approximately 50%, and my patreon tiers are going to need to be reorganized and repriced. In terms of how it's going to be changed... that part is still being pondered over, and im considering options for current patrons to be grandfathered in to the new tiers without them having to pay the new prices, as a little treat for already having supported me thus far.

I dislike raising prices because i sorta pride myself in my attempts to be accessible by most people, but i think things have to give at some point, and my mom being unable to work is definitely a thing that warrants it.

I also don't have a definitive date of when this is going to happen. We're still waiting for doctors to get off their asses and figure out what the fuck is up. But i will definitely keep you guys posted and will give at the very least, 1-2 months heads up before any definitive changes.



As someone who shares with the dietary/allergy issues I wish I could offer more than just my words because honestly it sucks. Do what you have to do to make sure you can take care of yourself and your family. I can't speak for the others but I know I'll stick around no matter what the cost. I hope everything gets better for you.


thanks! your words are more than enough, honestly, and very appreciated. :3