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I've mentioned this before in the May Announcements earlier, but I've decided to take at least one rest month off to try to get back in the swing of things.

I've been pretty consistent over the course of the 3+ years i've ran this patreon and it's been catching up to me the past few months. That combined with current events has me effectively burnt out in several ways, so i'm definitely gonna be taking a way overdue vacation. Pending on how I feel when June is over, i may extend this vacation to July as well, as it may take quite a while to get my mental health back where i want it to be.

What this means for you guys: This June, I will not be holding my normal polls or doing any monthly fills! Those waiting on commissions will still have theirs worked on while I'm on break, but i will continue to keep commissions closed and will not be accepting new ones until my break is over.

During these months, there will be NO new patreon exclusive content! So feel very free to unpledge, or lower or do whatever you deem necessary before you guys get charged on June 1st. I was considering freezing my patreon so that no one is charged while i start my break, but i've gotten some feedback from some peers saying i should still accept pledges since some people are more than willing to keep supporting me during my rest months. 

That said, i still feel a bit bad that you guys wouldnt be getting SOMETHING for keeping pledges going, so what i'm going to do is have posts made where you guys can post suggestions, or perhaps even polls that can choose a theme for a doodle. Unlike my usual monthly polls, i am in no way obligated to fill a specific number of suggestions by the end of the month and i'm free to leave them as simple/rough drawings. I will only do what i feel I'm able to, and i can focus on the ones that really resonate with me at my leisure. 

So! For continuing to support me, you will at least be able to toss ideas my way. Whatever I fill i will post on Patreon and in my discord server before i post anywhere else, so while the content is not exclusive, you will at least have a hand in personal doodles i do and also be able to see the results sooner! (how much sooner will probably vary)

As May comes to a close, I will be posting reminders about my break so you guys will have ample notification about the lack of patreon exclusive content this June (and possible in July, if my break is deemed insufficient and i feel financially stable enough to take another month off). 

Thanks for all your support, and if you have thoughts and/or feedback, feel free to let me know!



Your consistency has just been off the charts - you properly deserve a break. This probably came later than it needed, tbh, but I get wanting to fulfil stuff you feel obliged to do. I'll be supporting you through your break, no questions asked.


Thanks! I appreciate this a lot. And yeah, i probably should've had a break waaaay earlier xD


I said it already but you deserve the break! I will still be supporting, that's not a problem! Hope you'll feel better.