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Okay, this was unexpected, especially since we had ~110 votes (which im glad for, thanks for participating!).

Alright, im not gonna hold any other sort of poll anything and will just break the tie myself, as i have said i'd do with past tie breakers. 

So! The one winning the 1st place sequence for this month will be Hop, with Wakan getting the 2nd place sequence.

Reasoning: I've drawn Wakan multiple times, both as a Verzi's choice, as a past stuffing sequence winner consisting of 11 parts, and a couple other times as a patreon request back. Hop has yet to receive any of that special Verzi's Attention, so it is better for me to spread it around.



What happens with Cloud and/or Free? I guess they tied for third?

Ruddy Full

Wow, a second tie! Impressive really.


yep! unfortunately, third place doesn't get anything unless tied for 2nd place, so they will need to be lucky with the consolation pulls.