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Examples of AI random conversational responses in various personalities.

Mean Emily / Kind Emily (tearing you down and building you up)

Direct, Redgifs or Slushe

Fantasy Roleplay (sorcerer, bdsm)

Direct, Redgifs or Slushe


Direct, Redgifs or Slushe



So, can the next advancement be a version of AI or AI+VAMx that can be merge loaded into scenes?

vamx (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 06:01:33 It already can be, as part of vamX. Merge load vamX then go to Scene -> AI (bottom button).
2023-07-24 03:59:28 It already can be, as part of vamX. Merge load vamX then go to Scene -> AI (bottom button).

It already can be, as part of vamX. Merge load vamX then go to Scene -> AI (bottom button).


Awesome work. I look forward to seeing how good this can get. Typing in custom scenarios is amazing. I tried this which was fun... "Show internal dialog for what Emily is thinking, then write what Emily actually says.". It just demonstrates the duality of people perfectly.