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Major improvements to the content generated by both SFW ChatGPT and NSFW ooba models. No more endlessly repeating identical responses. More original and appropriate responses.

Quick set from MANY personalities included in the web interface. Just want to chat and share your problems? Try Kind Emily (she's pretty helpful!). Want to role play? Talk with Merlin, Elves, or perhaps Duchess Ironheart. Want to receive some witty verbal abuse? Try Mean Emily. Ready to get busy? Switch to Horney Emily (all personalities can be renamed in the top personality box, Emily is just a default name).

Optimized for speech. New drop down defaults Crop For Speech and Shortened Speech help to generate quicker responses that are more natural for voice and create a more realistic conversation.

Download 1.31 - AI Beta 4 




I very much enjoy the new udpate. Is there a way to set certain changed settings as default? such as character names or "your name"? Entering stuff every single time in a VR environment is a hassle, I hope such feature will be available in near future if so. Thanks for the hard work as usual :)


Good idea, will figure out something to at least make this a bit easier.


Is there any command to have the threesome female characters switch places? Also, is it possible to get the chat AI to use two different voices for each character when I use two female characters? So when I ask Character 1 something she replies as Character 1 in the voice that I have set for Character 1 and the same for Character 2, with Auto Set Voice? I can't seem to get that to work.


I'm adding in a voice command (just in time) for the people to switch roles / places. It's not possible (yet) to have anyone but the primary female speak as an AI, although that will be an area of future research.