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2024年 年始のご挨拶



















New Year's Greetings 2024

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Happy New Year, everyone!

I am sorry to say that this greeting comes after the New Year has already passed and January has been over for about 10 days. Sorry about that.

So, we have prepared another Kanchou video for this year.

This video is basically an event video, so it is not related to the main or extra editions. Please enjoy it as such.

I was not able to play with my PC from the end of the year until January 5th, so the actual production period was about 5 days. Please forgive the roughness of the video.

Sorry if you are not interested in kancho. We hope this video will awaken your new sexuality.

kancho is the only anal torture to women that you can see in Japanese general comics, TV, and magazines. Like tickling, it is treated with the air of a joke, so it is a prank that is laughed at and allowed in the general media. That is why it is a play to be cherished.

However, people overseas. If a grown man kanchos a stranger woman, he is usually caught, so please be careful. I think this is probably a crime of assault or something.

This video, or rather, this time as well, is beyond the level of a prank that can be forgiven with a smile. It is already close to torture. Even if you know someone, you should not go this far, right?

This year, we don't have to be so considerate to Twitter anymore, and the two-minute time limit has been removed, so we had to make it a little more elaborate.

Since this is an event video, Haku-san also made an appearance for the first time in a while. She has nothing to do with the story, but she is the target of this video. I can only humiliate her in the event video, so I can't help it. This year, she will suffer from hemorrhoids.

So, thank you very much for your support and encouragement last year. I am also happy to receive many comments. And to all of you who support us with such an expensive plan for such a perverted video, I always really appreciate it.

Thanks to your support, I am able to continue making these kinky videos every day. I will continue to abuse mainly girls' anus without losing out to regulations. There are still many girls whom I want to torture with enema, so please continue to support me this year.

This is a full-length video, so it probably won't be too hard-hitting, but I hope you enjoy it.




kojirou様 あけましておめでとうございます。今年も比類なき才覚でフォロワーの我々をお導きくださいw 今年も恒例作をありがとうございます。晴れ着でのご登場はやはり格別感がありますね。それにしましても、ミクさんのっけから煽り散らかすから例年以上にひどい目に…💦 姉妹仲良く(他二人はとばっちりな感がありますが…)わからせられちゃうのもお約束ですね💦 冗談半分にカンチョーをしても許される、そんな世の中になるといいですねw(よくない)そんな祈願を込めて新年のご挨拶を…つきましては今年もよろしくお願い申し上げます。


kinkin様 あけましておめでとうございます。 私のような変態が導けるものなどございませんが、今年もマニアックなエロ動画を皆様にお届け出来るように頑張ります。 毎年恒例の晴れ着カンチョー、喜んで頂けたのなら幸いです。晴れ着の女の子は可愛いですよね。最後、服を脱がせるかどうか迷いましたが・・やはり最後まで晴れ着で虐めるほうが良いかと思いまして。ええ、マニアックですね。 ミクさんは去年も誰かを煽ってましたね。学習しない娘でございます。今年も沢山イジメられる事でしょう。でも仕方ないですよね、本人が望んだのですから。 リンちゃんとハクさんはとばっちりでしたが・・あの場に居ましたので彼女達もミクさんと同じく心の中でご視聴者を煽っていたのです。ですのでこの結果は仕方ないですよね。一年間、お尻の痛みに苦しみ後悔しながら過ごして貰いましょう。 冗談でカンチョーが許される世界は素晴らしいですね。とは言え私が見知らぬ女性にそれを出来るメンタルは一生持てなさそうですが・・。というか私がやられる可能性も・・・嫌すぎますね。 それではkinkin様さんにとって幸多き一年となりますように。寒い日が続きますがご自愛ください。 今年もどうかよろしくお願いいたします。