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【おまけ的な】女の誇りを掛けて 女の娘と罰ゲームで争うミクちゃん ~ハード編~ おまけ後編











今回は最初から最後までアナルプレイです。ケツ穴 とかいうお下品なセリフが何回出たことやら。前回に引き続きミクさんのお尻を徹底的に虐めてます。これはもうほぼリョナですね・・。











【Extra】 Miku, who competes with a woman's daughter in a game of punishment for her female pride, -hard version- Extra Part 2

*My future activities on patreon will be centered on Discord.

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*This time it is even harder. And I only blame anal. If this is not your cup of tea, please be careful.

First of all, I apologize for the delay in posting this. I didn't mean to say that I've been slacking off, but there have been some circumstances...after all, there are many things that happen to people in life. My schedule doesn't go as smoothly as I would like it to.

And this video itself was very difficult to produce. No, the quality is always low, but this time it was difficult to make.

The reason for this is that I had to join together scenes that I wanted to make in the previous videos but had to reject in my mind due to production time constraints. I couldn't get the situation right, and I had to rewrite the dialogue many times.

I made it with a light heart, just replacing the characters because it was an extra video, but it was more difficult than I usually make videos. The first 5 minutes of the video is almost the same, but it took more time than usual to make...

When the replaced characters move, things go wrong.

This was my excuse for the delay. In the end, my estimates were just too optimistic. I haven't grown up for a long time now. I really wanted to make Rin's video this month, but...today is already...Christmas Eve....

But, well, it took me a long time to make this video instead of the video time, but I was able to make this video with a little satisfaction.

This time, it's anal play from beginning to end. I can't tell you how many times I said "asshole". I've been thoroughly torturing Miku's ass since the last time. It's almost like a "whump"....

In such a situation, Miku is neither hurt nor broken, on the contrary, she feels more and more and more, so please enjoy it.

The play to Miku is basically what she has done to other girls. It's a matter of karma and retribution. All the characters are crazy.

And the gentlemen who get excited by Miku in this video are... well, they are devilish... no, they are experts. I would be happy if you would continue to support me, a man who is bound by various restrictions and floundering around.

In this day and age, it is thanks to your support that I am still able to make videos like this.

Next time, I will make the second part of Rin's video. I originally wanted to finish it by the end of this year, but it is no longer possible. We apologize for that.

I was thinking of making a Christmas event video, but I realized that today is Christmas Eve. I probably won't be able to do anything else... But I would like to at least make the annual New Year's kancho video. But I don't think I can post it on Twitter anymore...

So, everyone, please watch the next video if you would like.

・Additional information and what we found out this time

 K cannot be quarantined. He is talented.


 secretary is probably more evil than Cars.




お忙しい最中、性夜に素晴らしい作品をありがとうございます! 泣き言を漏らすミクさんは本編では中々見られないから貴重ですね。秘書子さんも(ラスト以外は)実にハッピーそうで心が温まる思いでしたw >基本はミクさんが誰か他の娘にやったことばかりです 金属浣腸やウナギ100匹など明らかに内容が飛び抜けているのは気のせいでしょうか💦 それでも錬鉄のアナル具合を見せつけたミクさんは流石すぎます! 様々な責めを受けながら、ミクさんもまんざらではない感じでしたし、K様も喜びのダンスを披露されていらっしゃいましたし、ハード編にもかかわらず素敵なハッピーエンドと言って良いですね👍 ぼっちクリスマスに潤いを与えて下さる素敵作品に感謝でした🙏


こちらこそこの聖なる夜に、このような変態動画をご覧下さりありがとうございます。 久々?に虐められたミクさんですが、調教前に戻ったあの身体で今回の責めは流石にキツかったようです。基本的に彼女はアイドル生命が掛かって無ければ普通の娘なんです。辛い事が平気な娘では無いのです。 秘書ちゃんも終始ご機嫌でございました。ここだけの話ですが・・彼女は自分でもあまり意識してませんが微妙にKの事が好きなのですよ。なのでミクちゃんには無意識で厳しくあたります。ええ、どうでもいい設定ですね。 そんなミクさんですが・・、流石に金属浣腸は誰にもやったことが無いでしょうね。ただウナギ責めはリンちゃんやネルさんに行っていても不思議ではありません。なんならレンくんにも行ってるかもしれません。想像したくも無いですが。 彼女のお尻の穴は宇宙一ですので金属も曲げました。ですが普段はとても柔らかくて温かいのです。そして感度も良いのでつい自分でも弄ってしまうんですね。エッチな娘です。 Kは最後、なにやら小躍りしてましたね。自分で見てて少しイラッとしました。なんでしょうかこれ・・同族嫌悪でしょうか。いえ、私とKは何の関係もありませんけども。 そしてようやく終わった罰ゲームハード編ですが、楽しんでいただけたなら幸いでございます。 次回以降もシチュが変わるだけで、あいも変わらずアナルと浣腸プレイが中心になると思います。なぜならそれを作るために私はMMDに手を染めたからでございます。 それでは次回の動画も宜しければご覧くださいませ。次はリンちゃんでございます。