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Hello hello everyone! Queen's Brothel 1.5.0 introduces two new quests for you to play! I hope you guys like the elf girls! 😏



Andy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-22 02:12:41 great update as usual!
2023-07-22 02:12:41 great update as usual!
2023-07-22 02:12:41 great update as usual!
2023-07-22 02:12:41 great update as usual!
2023-07-22 02:12:41 great update as usual!
2023-07-21 14:55:26 great update as usual!

great update as usual!


I must say, I love the elf girls sooo much! My favorite is Daisy, I feel like she is how I imagine a (relatively) innocent elf mage student to be. I wish there was a way to have more of her or to have like a skin of her to use in the brothel. Great work, keep it up!


Thank you! I secretly like Daisy a lot too because she's innocent and curious, but not as goofy as Natasha.