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November's rewards have been sent out! On to Christmas related stuff!



It was either because your card was declined, or because you pledged after the November Term had ended (pledging after Nov 30 has the subscription go towards the December Term, which is a Patreon thing that I have no control over).

I am allowing the rewards to still be purchased separately for the pledge price ($5 or $10) until 12:00 pm (noon) PST on Saturday 12/9. Send me a message on Patreon/Discord/Tumblr (NOT AN ASK), and I'll follow up with you. 


As for the raffle pic, I will do the raffle and message the winner, but the picture itself will be postponed to January, similar to last year.

I may have some posts regarding opinions for upcoming xmas stuff so be on the look out! 

<3 Blud




Hello, I tried to open the link in your message about Eggplant Tier (Term 17) but I got an error message : "Invalid or Deleted File." Does the problem come from me or is it a general one? :( Thank you in advance for your answer. I love your art! ;)


I got the same message and I'm using my laptop as always :(

Philip Kraus

Same with me. Help!

Philip Kraus

The rewards zip you provided does not work. I get this error:

Philip Kraus

Invalid or Deleted File. The key you provided for file access was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on MediaFire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or MediaFire.

Philip Kraus

Can you please send a working link to my email. Thank you.