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After a break, I'm all ready and set to start the final stretch of Susan's pregnancy! As of releasing this, the next 4 scenes are all done except for their story. And given my adjustments to not overly worry about it, I suspect will not take that long to finish (though ideally better than the story below but shh). I'm so damn excited to bring this to a close (with hopefully amazing scenes) and to start working on the next chapter proper!

Auc Vault / Drive Folder


January 24, 2018 - (1 week after #103, 31 weeks into Susan's pregnancy)

After the bountiful babyshower, practically all of the necessary items were accounted for. Tiny outfits, diapers, toys. Duplicates were not a problem, there would be seven babies to share it with after all. As for the mother herself, her wardrobe was quickly growing inadequate.

Susan and Nathan took a quiet Wednesday morning to stock up on clothing. They wouldn't have everything in store, given her endowment. But they would try their best to get as much locally, and then ordering the rest online.



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