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Here it is :)

It was painful to do, but you were right, it's a visual representation of progress we needed to have back.

- As you can see, Game Design is done, I redesigned how the Secret Base/Lab works a few times, and I'm now finally happy with it. It's not too complex, but it'll introduce some nice Alien upgrades with new combat mechanics during your attacks.

- Coding and Testing/Bugfixing are the last parts to get 100%'d so it makes sense they are at those points. Still, Aka did some nice devtool work and he's adding some sweet small details that don't add anything substantial, but are in the end what differentiates a polished game from an unpolished one.

- Writing is basically done. I had to write most of the stuff we'll be seeing in 0.07, 0.08 and change a few things that really have to do with the whole game, but 0.06's dialog is practically finished (a few lines may need adjusting but I'm happy with what I have so far, especially with the scene that's at the end of the build)

- Art. I have to do 2 new BGs but that's the easy bit. The stuff that will take longer is to add expressions and FX to half of the episode. So not much to draw and paint left, but still a bunch of stuff to do, and stuff I need t explain to Akanoes so he can implement it the way I want it to go. Back and forth.

- Music & SFX is almost done. Only needs to be put in the right place.

- Testing and bugfixing? Well, we've done A LOT, but you never know with this one. All we can do is try to do our best, cross fingers, and hope for the best. We'll let you guys know when we'll start giving patron's testing build links if you want to help us out when the time is right (after we've bugtested ourselves and most of the annoying stuff is solved.

And that's about it. Again, I'm sorry for being late with this, I've been running from one place to another this last couple of weeks. ADHD is under control though, so I'm really happy to inform I'm motivated as fuuuuuuuk XD

Talk soon guys and gals!





So when the next update

Scott Diaz

Espero que la proxima actualizacion traiga ya buenas escenas de ben y shark al igual que con Gwen tambien añadanle las escenas del entrenamiento sexual y el entrenamiento fisico por que salen que no esta implementado es un buen juego desde que lo jugue siempre eh esperado actualizaciones espero que esta actualizacion traiga un poco de contenido