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 Newman here with this month's PRE-Progress Report. Yep, pre.

I really hope this gets posted! Patreon is sending me some mix signals about age verification lately. Anywhoo. They've always been cool about most things, so I hope we can get it resolved soon.

I've been crazy busy this week, and I haven't been able to put a Progress Report together. Some of you have asked for the progress bars back, but I think MOST of you want them so I intend to do so.

That means a bit more work than just writing. Not much, I'll get to it right now, but since I wanted to do these on the 1st of each month and not on the 3rd, I thought I should at least get this to you asap.

As a little bonus to try to make up for it, I will let you know that -as some of you already know- I am involved in some SFW projects (don't worry, they are still cool as hell, just with less boobas and fluids flying around) and I intend to send you guys demos for them as soon as I get my hands on them. To all my supporters, no matter your pledge, completely free. It seems fair since you have been supporting me through thick and thin all this time.

Welp, that's about it. Progress Report as soon as I can get over how progress bars aren't an exact way of yak yak yak and just do it for the sake of you guys.

Love you all. Yes, especially you, you absolute freaky thing, you. Talk soon,





I already end the game but you tell me there is another things you can do with gwen


I already end when they teaching me and saw her bra


I swear I answered this! The GOD of the net is messing with me XD Check your communicator, "missions" section. We added a check there where you can see if you've seen all of the content the build has to offer per mission. If you have all the checks, you've seen all there is so far.