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Hey fellow pervs! Long time no speak!

That's because we've been really busy this month. It's been kinda hard for K-dot too, as he is having some family turmoil, but still he's been working hard, fixing bugs, adding story, and refining the combat for Ben X.

We are close to Alpha release, we can feel it. I can't wait to show you what we have, and get feedback from you guys. I really like it, but you have been great at pointing out mistakes, suggesting changes and giving me cool ideas to improve the game with and I don't intend the post-Alpha release to be any different. Keep'em coming.

When the Alpha is out, I'll also post a full list of the game's future features, like the Omnitrix upgrades, companion progression, story (without spoiling it too much), sex scenes, customization options and whatever you guys want to know. But that's once you have already played the first 3 days of the game, and hopefully, have seen how much better the game can get from that point :)

Ah! I'm also making progress with the Sunsetriders 7 game. The full story is written, scene by scene. The character dolls (that's how I call the PSD's, full of sets of eyes, mouths, clothes, hairstyles, hands...) for 7 of the 11 characters done (although I still need to tweak the expressions a bit), a vehicle background too. I also made a map of the whole game so we don't get lost, and see what's where.

That, plus my regular work as a concept artist doesn't leave me much time, but I always answer if you have something you want to ask me about on discord.

Going to bed, it has been a LONG fucking day XD Talk to you later guys,




Get some much needed rest and keep up the good work :)


Great update! I look forward to that feature list =3 (and the alpha of course xD) Might I suggest you add a fetishlist to that too?


Good idea!