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Hey there guys and gals!

I am currently refining all the character art for the Alpha (all expressions are getting a much needed polish) and -as some of Ben's fans- have pointed out, he looked like an emaciated wimp with his clothes off.

He still looks thin, as he needs to fit on his clothed silhouette, but I made him much more athletic and with softer bone lines to give the impression of proper muscle under the skin. He looks much better, so thanks a lot to the ones who told me to give it another go. You cool guys, you cool.

Now to fix Gwen! Talk soon,





I like the naked Ben pic. Say I wonder if you do a new Ben X pic of a naked Grandpa Max when you have a chance soon that'll be cool.


Sorry man, with preparing the Alpha and all, I have a LOT of work to do first!


Really nice job on Ben here.