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Hey pals! I've got some updates on upcoming videos and the state of the Patreon for you.

First off, I've decided to change the $10 tier. I discussed this a while back and people seemed receptive to it, but the short of it is, being able to vote on my next video doesn't seem as rewarding considering the types of video I make. It takes a long time to make most of my videos, so voting only comes around every few months at best (at worst, every five years). It also isn't great for me, because it means I can't plan ahead as much - I've put off researching some videos I'd like to make because I wasn't sure it would make it through a poll. I think it's necessary to give people something more frequent to vote on.

I also want to make more frequent patron-only content since I find it really energizing to make and people seem to like it. So obviously I've decided to combine these two things. From now on, I'll have a poll for $10 patrons on what the next piece of patron-only content will be, and plan to get a piece out every month and a half.

So, a few days from now I'll post the first poll for 'Absolute Unit' Patrons. Some ideas we’re throwing around are commentated playthroughs, more retrospectives on older videos, behind the scenes material, more casual reviews/analyses of media (I've thought of doing videos reviewing 'And Here's Why' videos other people have made), and short analysis videos like ‘Graphs’ or ‘Mirrors’. 

Secondly, the next video is a measured response about GB News, an attempt to start a new right-wing news channel in Britain, and what lessons we can learn from its choices and overall colossal failure. I have various other videos partially done already, one about how media reporting accidentally spreads health misinformation, one about the Director's Cut of DX:HR (I wasn't joking) and about four videos about Star Wars which you'll have to forgive me for.

Oh, thirdly! The Brainmind Residency finished its run and we need to showcase the work our residents did! I'll try to get that done ASAP.

Thanks again for your continued support! Leave a comment here to tell us what kind of Patreon content you’d be interested in so I know what to put in the poll!

- H.B.



I just became a patron and just want to say I’ve really enjoyed the hick out of your game reviews and I find your socio-political content very insightful and informative. Thank you to HB and whoever else contributes to the finished product. I would love to see some HB Let’s Play content

Rachael Steiger

I'm stoked to hear about right-wing conservatism in the UK. I get the feel that's its around the same as in the US, but I'm curious where the parties differ. Also, Borris Johnson trapped in a harness, dangling over a crowd.