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Hey gang!

Please find enclosed the full-length Patron draft of the Vaccines video! There's a few things that aren't entirely done yet, namely the colour grading of the live-action shots (my face is not normally that green, I hope), and the audio levels / music are still being worked on, but we wanted to work on that during the finalising process.

Because this video is essentially a full-length documentary, and covers A: Some really important science that needs to be got across accurately and accessibly, and B: A guy who loves to sue people, we're currently sending this version around to fact-checkers, experts, and lawyers to make sure we got everything right and conveyed everything as well as possible, and aren't putting ourselves in a risky position with anyone. This process is taking a while so we wanted to get this out to you now while we waited on that, and also to get your feedback. We've been working on this video for so long, I can't tell if it's good any more.

If you find some parts of the video confusing, or happen to know more about the topic than us and think we got something wrong, please email us about it at contact@hbomb.zone so we can get that sorted out. The final video will come with a link to a document citing all our sources, too.

We've also got here a list of the $5+ patrons going into the credits of the final video. I recommend you check your name is on the list if it's supposed to be there, and that it says the name you'd prefer to be credited as. If you can't find it or want it changed (or want it removed entirely), email contact@hbomb.zone to let us know and we'll get on it for the final version!

Thanks for being so incredibly patient with us while we got this out. This video was incredibly difficult and stressful and complex to make, and everything ended up taking much longer than expected and compounding on everything else. I can promise you right now that, for my sake, I'll never make anything like this again, lol. I'll learn to make shorter videos or cover topics that aren't as likely to get us sued. 

- H.B.


Vaccines: A Measured Response

What is the science behind the anti-vaccine movement, and is it any good? Let’s find out! My Twitter: https://twitter.com/hbomberguy My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Hbomb CHAPTERS: 0:00 - Intro 2:20 - The Easy Version 6:15 - An In-Depth Analysis of the Worst Study Ever Done 22:38 - In Which The Media Gets Everyone Killed 33:03 - How Not To Talk About Autism 36:22 - Andrew Wakefield is a Lying Conman Who Wanted Your Money 52:50 - It Gets Much Worse 1:05:58 - Andrew Wakefield Abused Children For Money 1:16:00 - The Part Where He Loses His License 1:23:23 - CONCLUSION 1:40:16 - Credits Get Brian Deer's book The Doctor Who Fooled The World: https://briandeer.com/doctor-who-fooled-world.htm SOURCES: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wNJ3tj3X2HZ0PTnUGnlrjpFsQu6tYKYTS7JvhFG2TMk/edit



My god, the mad man actually posted it


Ayyyyy let's goooo


Screams in excitement. Digging the new look, sir.


Holy shit I was literally just checking your Twitter to see if there was an update when I saw the patreon notification jump up!


Oh well, I guess I didn't need to sleep tonight anyway


god fucking damn it right as I was about to go to sleep where do you get off on releasing it at 2:30am?


This is going to be fun to watch tomorrow after work.


Thank you king




Honey, wake up. New Hbomb video dropped.


great, now I can finally get vaccinated


I saw a notification on my phone and was like "Please... Harry..." and I was not disappointed!


I literally just got woken up by nearly the exact same text


January 129th. Still on time. All kidding aside, can’t wait to watch! Here’s to bulletproof research. 🍻 Edit: Jesus Christ.


If I wasn't at work, I'd be watching this immediately.

Devon Wright



i swear to god ts 4,40 am where I live and I have to exercise immense self control not to watch this right now so I can get the hell to sleep. super excited to watch this tomorrow.


Thank you for your hard work king


If Hbomberguy made an anti-vaxx video... ...he'd be HbomberLIE


"Ipinoin" is an objectively better spelling. Thanks for that.


Oh man I'm so stoked to watch this tomorrow


had an absolute dogshit day today, so getting this email was a godsend, thank u for the food king <3


8:17 Oh shit, did you get Brian David Gilbert?


You cut out part of HMom's appearance? On Mother's day?!


Is it just me (or my phone) or is there an audio sync issue? I started noticing it around the 5m mark. It may just be my phone and/or Bluetooth headset because it seems only *just* enough out to be noticeable


holy shit brian david gilbert in an hbomb video


I don't know about everyone else, but I prefer the videos when they are very long. Can't wait to watch!


I wonder if parents not noticing something about their kids early on and then being blindsided and coming to the absolute wrong conclusions happens in other areas? ...oh https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/01/young-trans-children-know-who-they-are/580366/


Suggest alternate title: "Vaccines: an extremely measured response"


Yes please.


It's 3AM! Right! I'm gonna need some tea for this! And toast! You absolute madman, you did it! You finally did it! 💖


ngl im on 2cb while watching this but it is the trippiest video I've ever watched


Wait a second... did it really take me this long to see that you have Axiom's End, the Lindsay Ellis book literally everywhere in this? IS THIS A CROSSOVER EPISODE?


Me: About to go to bed at 3am Hbomb: You idiot. You bufoon. You fucking rube. Watch this. Me: Yes please




at 13:55 you mention MMR manufacturers. Did you mean MMR vaccine manufacturers, or did the mask just slip a little there?


The beginning of your sentence is cut off around 55:40.




is there a way you could also put a pretty hard trigger warning in the child abuse section with time stamps when you do the video for the medical trauma and abuse they went through? its super important people know what happened but i was absolutely sick to my stomach hearing about it


Yeah, we’re planning on that, thanks for helping us be as comprehensive as possible


Here to ask you or your team to guest on Behind The Bastards or QAA so y'all can take a break for half a second

Dominic Guilfoyle

BDG's accent work here is, uhh, *interesting*


You did it not only was I crying I was also laughing at some of your jokes. This video is important and in my opinion you nailed it in ways I couldn't have thought of.


This was really really good


Great video! Wow, that child abuse section was really dark.




I feel like you're missing a lucrative opportunity to put a card at 31:56 for your Cultural Marxism video. Also at 55:39 the line comes in a half second late and sounds choppy.


A couple of random comments - barium isn't radioactive, the radiation is from the X-ray imaging, not the barium. Colonoscopies aren't perfectly safe in adults OR children, but complications are exceptionally rare which makes the benefits of diagnosing dangerous diseases well worth that small risk. The problem wasn't that the colonoscopies were unsafe, the problem was that there was no reason to do them, and no benefit from the procedure.


I have to wake up early tomorrow dammit :( I'll watch it after class


right now i'm taking a class about conspiracy theories and we've already talked about vaccines (apparently the modern anti vaccination movement began in the mid-70's with the DTP vaccine, but all that was quite minor compared to what Wakefield unleashed), but i think i'll link my prof your vid once it's public. i thought it was really good!


still waiting on that Hbomberguy brand “Don’t get the plague shitheads!” mask. Would be a good commemorative release with this video. 😉


Really really good, though I wish you'd kept in the bit about Wakefield linking MMR to autism FOR THE PARENTS even when the parents thought there was a different cause. Also, I love the animations, they're so freakin cute.


ooo boy does the stuff about 60 pound vaccines at 35 minutes not hit the same when you're in the US


this was great!!! when it goes live pls link to deer's book in description

Matthew McCoy

What an amazing video. Absolutely worth the wait, and I am proud to have supported it in my own small way. Your conclusion reminds me of a similar epiphany I had while I was taking a public speaking class. I realized that there are some people who you will never be able to convince, but you can usually convince enough people to make a difference. Well done, sir. I plan to watch this again when the final version is released.


Oh hey BDG


Sobek be praised, it is released! Well done, H-bomb. Perfect tone, and kudos to your team. The video looks great.


Oh hey! You used a clip from the last episode of Real Time I ever watched!


I have that same Ikea wood rolly thing.


This is one the best videos you have ever made. In terms of breaking through to truth and explaining the details of events people need to understand. Thanks for the sensitive section on the perception of autism caused by the "journalism" of the MMR scare.


Learning that there is such a thing as the Conspira-Sea Cruise is worth the price of admission

All-Natural Fig Jam

Haven't finished watching, loving it so far. However, I REALLY think you should put a content warning before the child abuse part. I'm not very sensitive to that stuff, I don't have children or a history or abuse, but even I was getting upset listening to those descriptions. PLEASE consider a content warning and/or a time skip option.


I would LOVE to see a backer video about the patent, I was curious just how horrendous it might be. Also was one of those who startled at the sight of BDG, but loved his dramatic performance. I think cutting down the mom stuff was ultimately a good decision -- just funnier when it's shorter.


Excellent video--educational, funny, and moving by turns. As a side note, in two weeks the bit about ignoring this if you're a doctor will officially apply to me!


Julia Serano did an incredible and pretty damn damning timeline of the development and circulation of recent theories of socially contagious transness which that Atlantic article feeds into http://juliaserano.blogspot.com/2019/02/origins-of-social-contagion-and-rapid.html


Greetings Bomberperson! I thought the video was great - as is, it may be one of my favorites of yours. I would love to see a breakdown of the patent, if you have it in you after the work you've done on this video. Something about your zeal for this genre of YouTube video reminds me why I love being a science teacher. Keep it up!


This was a really powerful video, I'm glad it ended on a somewhat hopeful note. I've been super excited about this and became a patron specifically so I could watch it early. The way neurodivergent people are talked about whenever anti-vax issues are brought up feels so dehumanizing and gross, it feels good to be reminded that there are people out there who care. Also BDG was perfect in this


love you harris 🥰


Just seconding this, as an autistic person who has had procedures/medication forced upon them without any informed consent and a DNR placed on me during COVID, this was particularly hard to watch. Otherwise, absolutely amazing work. <3


This could be intentional, but at 2:24 “I’m trying I’m really trying” is like this: I’m trying I ‘m really trying


The exact same thing happened to me, it's now 6am. I will now go to bad. THANKS HBOMBERGUY


We’re gonna do a whole promo for his book in the credits lol


As a long-time fan and an autistic adult with anti-vax parents, I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for you taking the time and effort to cover this topic in such depth. I hope you can move on to making videos that you find more enjoyable and less stressful to produce, in the future, but I'm honestly so glad this video exists. Thank you.


Absolutely amazing! One of your best works yet IMO, and it was absolutely worth the wait. Thank you so much for putting in so much quality and effort, it really paid off. A video about the patent would be amazing but if you need a breather I think we’d all understand :)


I think this was very cool!


One thing I think is interesting about the whole parents noticing symptoms after getting the vaccine thing is that yes autism symptoms happen overtime but an abnormally stressful experience (like going to the doctor and getting stabbed)can definitely trigger behavior that the parents may not have seen before (or as severely). I know that I didn’t get diagnosed with autism until I started applying to college/doing the SAT (which was incredibly stressful and triggered meltdowns that I had never had before). Until then my symptoms hadn’t been bad enough for my parents to really notice so it just got ignored. The SAT doesn’t cause autism but the stress from the SAT caused my symptoms to worsen to the point that they were now much more obvious then they were before.


Ridiculously good video


When I was born, my parents were in a cult that, as one of their tenets, were anti-vax. Behind everyone's backs, my mother got me vaccinated. My schedule for everything was a little off because we were being sneaky. But I did get 'em all! Later on, after the whole divorce and running away across state lines bit, I asked her why she did that. She told me, "Vaccinating your children is the only thing a parent can do that is a guarantee of protection." Turning out autistic was just icing on the cake of upsetting the people we left behind.


stan hbombermom


This is a great video so far, small editing thing I noticed though, dunno if anyones mentioned this yet but at 55:39 the beginning of the word 'since' is cut off in the cut. If you already noticed it no worries, just makin sure!


is BDG supposed to show up for a split second at 29:00? seems like an error


Great video. Only issue I've seen is that some the archive TV footage is not properly deinterlaced. Doesn't hurt the point but worth checking out.


5:21-5:22 not sure if it can be fixed but you go from relatively lit to being a bit like you're standing in the shade.


Something weird happens about 18:30 into the video. It looks like all the video footage is scrambled for a few seconds.


Spectacular. I'm going to enjoy sharing this.


By the end of the video I was expecting you to reveal that there’s no such thing as children. Total mindfuck. Well done.


Incredible work, hbomb and Kat! its... really cool seeing this all laid out.


this is scandalous, i had no idea about most of the details so thank you for laying the whole thing out here. just... wow. poor kids


Hi Harris! I subscribed to your patreon yesterday, will my name be included in the credits as the video isn't completely done yet?


Can you include the sources in the description? I can see you cite things sometimes but the sources you're citing aren't actually linked

Kae Hanrott

Fwiw me too - and it would further solidify the stuff you do about it later in the video when you point out that he lied about the kids in the group so much their parents couldn't recognise them when shown the data table. God that guy really loved lying didn't he.


Really good work! I appreciate how much effort and research went into this. Hopefully it can help change a few minds.

Kae Hanrott

God that was good. And the conclusion was - deep felt sigh - just what I needed to hear. So thank you. (I don't know what the original conclusion was like but I saw on twitter that you had reworked it, and I just wanted you to know that this one really hits home in the best way. Hope. Like genuine crumbs of hope. Who fucking knew?)


I get that $1 million is a nice round number, but it always struck me as strange whenever you converted from pounds to dollars when you gave a bit more context and said what an amount of money (such as how much Wakefield was paid or the hospital paid in damages) was in today's money but switched currencies.


I thought it would be a video primarily about cognitive bias and how the bad idea spread around the world, with the study being a single chapter preamble. It hit extra hard that "the study" just got worse and worse and worse and was 90% of the video. Well done. No sarcasm, the sheer scale of the bullshit came across perfectly with that method. Thanks for commenting on the media surrounding autism too. I wonder if that's where much of the stigma comes from?


great video tho i miss the pathologic video reference. truly sickening to find out what that man did to those poor children. i hope they managed to recover from this as best as they could. great work to you all


At the end of the video I realized you taped the sign to the wall with loss...


“ I'll learn to make shorter videos or cover topics that aren't as likely to get us sued. “ citation needed


Good work! Also how did that garbage article get published???


Not-very-fun fact: the ship which hosted Conspira-sea caused a major Covid outbreak in Sydney last year. I feel like there's something ironic in that - the next cruise literally did have a body count!


What a... person. He wasn’t even a pediatrician, but a gastroenterologist. If he had been an orthopedist we might have gotten „autistic fractures“. He must know how wrong he is, right? And sure, he made a decent living for himself, but we aren‘t even talking absurd billions of money here. There obviously is a bigger point about how rich and powerful people in various ways abuse children and people, but some of this stuff really seems cartoonishly evil. @47:15 It says „RNA is basically DNA for viruses.“ I feel like this is simplified into being wrong. There are DNA-viruses and there is RNA in humans and animals. It’s just a different form of genetic information.


This was really really rEALLY good!! I would say tho, at around 47:30 you say that RNA is 'basically DNA for viruses.' This isn't correct - viruses can contain DNA or RNA, and RNA is also produced by humans as well. (It would be more accurate to say that RNA is similar to DNA or smth)


Fantastic video, HBomb! But I seriously have to wonder, how on earth is Wakefield not in prison? I feel like tricking parents into giving consent to potentially dangerous and wholly unnecessary procedures by giving them incomplete information has to be some kind of crime.


at 59:20, where you mark the children that had developed the symptoms before the vaccine, you also mark child 11, about which you previously said that the symptoms developed long after the vaccine.


I'm almost finished with the video, and it's absolutely amazing don't get me wrong, but I serious think you should consider content warnings? At least for the section with abuse, I'm watching it while having my lunch and genuinely feeling mildly sick, so maybe preface it with what is going to be discussed, and a timestamp to skip past it.


Always love a wild BDG appearance.

Penny Gotch

I don't have any useful comments on the video, but I do have two fun anecdotes from when I was younger and actively read the Daily Mail because my parents bought it. 1) While reading about MMR supposedly causing autism, I said aloud to my mum that both my brother and I got the MMR as kids and neither of us were autistic. I am, in fact, autistic as heck. 2) After I got diagnosed autistic at 17, I wrote a letter to the editor in response to a columnist article WHICH MIGHT HAVE BEEN MELANIE PHILLIPS, I can't remember, basically asking why she wanted me dead, which was the STAR LETTER and meant I had a Daily Mail camera man come out and take my photo to go with the letter.


Hbomberguy videos have a rare and magical property where they comprehensively inform me about absolutely enraging things, but I actually feel good after watching them. Maybe it has just the right twist of optimism along with relatable despair and frustration, or it's the deep-research combined with chaotic-good presentation/production, but I can't think of anything else quite like it. In a year where I gradually swore off social media and then news sites altogether, your back-catalogue has been my least-obvious comfort-watch.


If possible, a content warning for child abuse might be nice. Some of the stuff about informed consent and the events that follow are pretty upsetting and I know some people who it would set off.

Adam Greene

Not the BIGGEST standout, but perhaps the one that most warms my heart, is seeing another appearance by Kevin. I was wondering about that little deviant


I'm not sure about the title given how 99% of the video is specifically about Andrew Wakefield, but the title is still a general response to vaccines.


Its kinda funny how you roast these quacks for lying to sell books then plug a book at the end. It’s not your book, but it feels just a little ironic.


This went into so much more detail than I had heard before, and the way the narrative builds into more serious topics is honestly astounding for something of this length. Really well done, and definitely worth the wait. You do a really good job highlighting Brian Deer's work, too, and even the older videos. I was astonished you found footage from that one conference of the child's party story; which is great as it was ridiculous without context, but I can totally see how people just laugh along at these anecdotes with the footage given. Reminds me of some of the stories I've heard at lectures/talks.

Seb Jones

This was so good, I had no idea the web of intrigue on this whole thing went so deep. It’s genuinely kind of shocking how long this grifter and his accomplices was able to carry on 🧐 Love the planet shirt btw 😂


Wonderful video! Can't wait to send it to everyone I've ever known! Just one note: I found the part about the medically abused children VERY upsetting, maybe consider putting a trigger warning before that, I don't even have children but had a lot of traumatic experiences in hospitals but I imagine that parents with small children could also be very upset. Thanks for your great work!

Liam Skoda

Small correction: barium in those X-ray studies is not significantly radioactive. Barium is radio-opaque which just means it shows up white on an X-ray. It’s used to better highlight the inside of body cavities, usually the gastrointestinal tract. I also agree with the content warning suggestions, that chapter is pretty rough. Otherwise great video, I was familiar with the Brian Deer bmj series so I was waiting gleefully to see how deep you would go.


I am going to agree there! it is very upsetting hearing that (as an autistic person). idk if it would be worth putting in the video, but autistic children (and adults) have been subject to a LOT of medical abuse like this. from people like Hans Aspergers and the Nazis, to the modern ABA movement. Edit: i bring this up because its part of our shared culture and an ongoing battle to fight for our rights.


Hey! so i have some thoughts :). 1. first off, i think this video is excellent. you did a great job breaking down stuff and making it digestible. 2. i think we could use a slight trigger warning about the child abuse stuff. to explain why, here is some context from an autistic. We autistics share a common collective trauma regarding medical torture. This is stuff that ranges from the early days of Hans Aspergers and the Nazis (sending them to forced labor camps or putting them to death based on our "functioning"). to even today with the modern ABA movement (a form of behavioral therapy that is note by note almost exactly like gay conversion therapy). it even goes as far as moving to groups like Autism speaks who have also peddled the MMR's cause autism myth and are a big part of why it took ground here in the US. they also subjected many of us to electrical shock torture to "cure" our autism. 3. i love the language you use when addressing the ASD community :) yes, it is complicated, and yes, its a growing and developing movement. the use of Identity first language is always appreciated though :) so AWESOME work! keep it up!


Wow..... this video is GREAT


I sometimes wonder if the shenanigans at the beginning discourage people who are genuinely curious and want to learn, they miss out on the real meat of the thing further into the video.

Adam Greene

The addition of BDG was phenomenal, and beyond delightful. I hate how I can't be mad at how long it takes for new videos because they keep being this good. Why ya gotta diffuse my angry internet rants before I make them?


I thought that was a joke about how when you go looking for the anti-vax """evidence""" it really is just... him? And then a lot of apologia for, and conspiracy theories centered on, him?


I never knew the original study was about Colitis. That makes me even more upset, because I have Crohn' Disease and Autism! Andrew Wakefield can shove it seriously, inflammatory bowel diseases are complicated enough without people like him making stuff up. I do want to mention that the basic idea of Autism correlating with Colitis is super reasonable. In the last 10 years researchers had established that there is a higher percentage of children with ASD who are also diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease, and it's been established that IBDs in general can cause delays in development, so it wasn't a wild idea. What IS a wild idea is trying to drag the MMR vaccine into it

James Rule

Wow. Just amazing. Loved this video.

Kae Hanrott

OK I'm watching it again - (what??) At 29 minutes ish - when Wakefield is talking with apparent authority, about how the measles vaccine was apparently doing all this stuff, this is still based on his original 'research paper' isn't it? He hadn't done any further research that had proved any of the stuff he was saying had he? Hard wow. That's fucking audacious.

Evan Pitkin

Deepest dive on Wakefield I've ever heard. Superb work. Also your mom's cameo was really funny.


Yeah, we're editing it out because the medical records implied signs before and the father said afterwards... It's complicated.


Yeah, it's a complicated issue, while there have been research where there is a higher incidence of IBD among autistic children (where the causal relationship is undetermined), there is no substantive research from credible journals that validates opioid excess theory in the slightest, however! I would love to see what research around "ISDs in general causing delays in development" you're referring to, though.


This was so worth the wait! At 1:01:04, you show the actual medical records and it shows that child 8 is the only female, but then at 1:02:38, you say that child 12 was the only girl in the study, with the image being from the study rather than the actual medical records. Is that just because they are in a different order, or was that a mistake?

Shella Chace

Thank you so much for this! Three of my four grandsons are on the autism spectrum. They are wonderful, delightful people who would put to shame any misinformed fool who would rather their children die from measles. Also, I am old enough to have stood in long lines for the polio vaccine—remember polio? ❤️


I make the following suggestion knowing full well that it suggests a lot of work, and I'm sorry and hate that, but you very much hit the wrong delivery tone for the section on child torture, sir. You're using your "Ha ha, idiot, watch me pwn you." And you ARE pwning them, all over the video. But when you're talking about children fainting and vomiting, getting colonoscopies their little bodies can't accommodate, you really ought to be using the warm, considerate tone you are sincerely good at. Again, that suggests some serious reshooting and probably work I can't wrap my head around. I don't make it lightly. I just also think it's that egregious a mistake. Thanks for hours and hours of informative, entertaining content regardless. -Marie


Don't listen to the long video hater crowd, Harry! I have a playlist specifically for your long form essays and I play it on repeat during boring work days or in the background while gaming or when I'm drifting off to sleep. Basically what I'm saying is I never stop listening to your dulcet tones and I need as much content as I can get because I've phonetically memorized all your other videos at this point.


I highly enjoyed watching this, definitely worth the wait! I'm on my second(ish) watch-through right now. Though, I noticed something I don't think anyone else has brought up yet. Early into the video, at around 12:07, you mention a "better documentary" regarding parents recognizing signs of autism in their children. You then go on to say you'll be bringing it up again later for further discussion, but in the video's current state, it seems as though it is never brought up again after its initial introduction. I assume it's just a relic of an older version of the script before more research was done, but just wanted to bring it to your attention!


Beautiful video, I knew this guy was a fraud but had no idea just how much of a fraud he was, truly outrageous stuff!! Please please please make sure that Ace Attorney reference makes it into the final cut 😁


1:04:50 Barium is not radioactive. It's used in the x-rays because it's insoluble and absorbs them better than the gut tissue.


I am going to be unable to watch the full version of this because jesus christ this video made me furious, Wakefield shouldn't be able to fuckin live with himself.


Hmm, I got the tone as more "outraged" since we were pretty outraged when putting this part together (the beginning of that section does intentionally start out more solemn) but I can see how it may come across differently. If somebody else mentions this we'll definitely consider it.


Wow.. Great vid.I wonder whether the point at 1:24:00 is itself correlation implying causation.


It was a great one, Harris. Happy to have contributed to it, albeit in a modest fashion. Keep up the good work!


theres a bit of a jarring cut at the ace attorney parody bit, but other than that 10/10

Yoav Fine

32:47 Ok, so on the topic of how people see autism and neurodivergence- I think it's probably worth linking something on the description of the video that will explain how the ASD community asks to be seen. Maybe something that explains the neurodiversity concept. But then again, I know that you're also making a video on how media helped to spread this whole anti-vax thing. So I think it's something that's actually more related to **that video**, and not necessarily this one. So please take that note with a grain of salt. That's it, that's my only "note" lol. I'm actually very very happy that you called out the whole issue of the flawed perception on autism that is being viewed. I myself am a ND so I really appreciate that. And also, thank you for bringing a sensitivity reader and taking notes from ND people (here and the Discord server) on issues they have when it comes to media covering autism. This is a really well-made and informative video about a very infuriating subject that I can't wait to share with people when it's out!


Finished watching! I've been an ardent... 'vaxxer' (pro-vaccine???) for a while, but that's because I was lazy enough to just trust the vast majority of people I know who got vaccines and, while skeptical, generally said they felt safer getting them. I never read the original 'anti-vaxx' report, dived into the authors, or researched anything you showed me. Often times the first time I get proof of my own opinions is when I'm entertained by your or other youtuber's videos because they give me a 'springboard' to jump off from for my own research. It just feels too daunting otherwise. Can't wait to see the full video and read the references you've got!


You taught me that what I thought was based around exciting and innovative new ignorance was simply run-of-the-mill villainy all along! Thanks Harrison Bomberguy!


That BDG tho *chef's kiss*


That was really outstanding and I didn't notice any problems (although I wasn't able to look at the screen for the whole thing because I was "working"). It would have been great to get into the ethics of privately funded research and disclosures of conflicts of interest for scientists, but also, probably good that you didn't because the video is real long and those ethics details are more important to scientists like me than normal people. Great work!


Quick question; is mark Pepys name pronounced phonetically, or like Samuel Pepys (peeps)?


Great video. One minor thing I would mention is during the section of the video where you mention the search of the RNA carrying measles, you mention that RNA is "basically DNA for viruses". RNA is present in every living cell, and it is a coded by the DNA in our own cells to serve several purposes (such as messenger RNA that carries the instructions for making the amino acids that make up all the essential proteins in our bodies among other things). Not to mention that many viruses also contain actual DNA instead of RNA, like herpes viruses or poxviruses. A MUCH better line to use to sum up RNA here instead of "basically DNA for viruses" would be to say "the infectious component of the measles virus, as well as many other viruses". Its not a super important change, especially if you've locked down that part of the video, but its best to be as scientifically correct as possible. Also, I noticed the Bloodborne music at the end, "Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower", and I very strongly approve. Music from a game about infectious diseases seems very appropriate for a video about vaccinations.


More like Andrew Winkfield


Will there be translated versions? I would really like to have this in Spanish so i can share it back home


I honestly think this is the best video you've done and it kind of makes me wish I wasn't a patron because I want to share this with so many people.


I'm watching the video right now but i don't know who is doing the Voiceover for the Study even though they sound so familiar so now it's all i can think about someone please help.


Oooh this was great, and right in time for me to get my second dose tomorrow.


I loved that you covered the ableism in the anti-vaxxer community. It's not an angle I usually see and I really appreciate it.


Fantastic video, need to watch again in a few days, from all the info. great.


I'm so sad that you had to take out the bit where you ask your mom about memories of getting jabbed with needles and she goes "oh yeah" and walks off, I had to stop the video I was laughing so hard at that. Great video though, I can't wait to sit down and force all my friends to watch it with me.


Finding an affordable way to do translations (that isn't $15k+ per video) is on our roadmap and I have a couple plans!


It fucking sucks having autism talked about in such a shitty way. The same type of people who champion being anti-vaxers for the sake of their autistic kid are the worst kind of parents that listen to the bullshit ideas about autism being the worst thing in the world pushed by organizations like autism speaks. Autism doesnt suck on it own, like said in the video it's a complicated disorder but journalist pushing this idea that its worse than measals really makes it worse for us. Anyway great video

Ian Priest

This is a comment to commemorate the disappearance of BDG's moustache. Gone but not forgotten.


cant wait for you to put out this video for real so i can share it with everyone. a better world is possible, please never stop what you’re doing!


Excellent video. For the old clips, is there any possibility of using a deinterlacing technique like motion detection to smooth them out a bit? On the other hand, I can understand that the render time required might be prohibitive.


I'm so sorry I haven't subscribed sooner on Patreon. This video is glorious beyond my ability to describe it.


This was so good! Absolutely worth the wait. The level of research and clarity of explanation was just a joy to watch.


Wow what a 'buck wild' journey that was! I learned a lot about a study I TOO have never read and I can't wait to share it when it's live. Really well done to the whole team. I hope one day you guys will be seen along with Brian Deer as partially responsible for people realising this was a scam all along


Only 20ish minutes in and loving it so far. The pacing changes from the earlier sneak peek help the flow, although I will admit I'm quite sad you had to lose the Pathologic "don't catch the plague, shithead" joke, because that was hysterical EDIT: Just finished the video. Incredible work as always. Andrew Wakefield is - IN MY OPINION - such an incredibly immoral piece of shit, jesus fucking christ. But not just him, also the people who bankrolled him and those who continued participating in his scam even when they knew it was bullshit. I'm reminded of a paper on the antivax movement I referenced in my master's thesis ( Kata, A. (2012) - "Anti-vaccine activists, Web 2.0, and the postmodern paradigm - An overview of tactics and tropes used online by the anti-vaccination movement" ). A reasoning often given by parents when exhibiting vaccine skepticism is that they are an 'expert in their own child' and this kind of discrediting of experts is so fucking disgusting and hopeless in its growing existence, ESPECIALLY when you stop to think that these parents would possibly buy Wakefield's bullshit, because he goes 'against authority' or 'against the medical establishment' or something like that. Like, I do feel bad for the people who have been taken advantage of by conmen, because getting tricked is never nice, but holy shit has social media and the internet allowed all these people to find each other and reinforce their delusion through group strength, and it's really bad. In any case, hope you can get your vaccine soon! I have my first covid vaccine shot booked for next week, and am so looking forward to being vaccinated for the summer.


What a great video. I literally cannot comprehend how people can just- be fine with hurting people for money, especially like this. Absolutely worth the wait, and good luck with your credits!


probably the best “the aristocrats” joke ever fucking told. im in awe...wow


Incredible stuff, as always!


The start of the sentence at 55:40 is clipped off. This was a wild ride, I am in awe of how the this guys actions kept getting worse. Well worth the wait.


The last part about turning depression into action, that was a solid message. Also - why isn't AW in jail? Surely all of the disruption he caused should have some sort of legal penalty....


ok, so I made a comment about how you didn't seem to address the fear and hate autistic people have to endure, and how this hate is largely responsible for the antivax movement, and then I watched for 5 more minutes and you addressed this issue brilliantly, so, that's on me I guess x) Nevertheless, I feel like this part deserved a bit more than 5 minutes. It is vital that we talk more about ableism, and about how discrimination against disabled people enable these kind of movements. It's not just the fear of having your child turn out autistic, it's also the fact that the first victims of a lack of vaccination aren't the people who don't vaccinate, but those who are immuno-compromised.


This was an extremely good video, and was absolutely worth the wait. I genuinely think it might do some good, once it’s posted. I’d consider getting rid of that Polygonal fellow with the green screen, though. He seems like he used to be a bit Unraveled.


Listening to the readers, I was like, "is that Brian David Gilbert?" And then his whole face showed up to say a different thing, utterly startling me.


I've become a patron specifically to watch this video early and by god I think I've never spent my money as well as this. Thanks for ending it on an uplifting note so I won't spiral straight into depression after this sad, infuriating, very sad story.


Sounds like someone just started a company that makes colonoscopy scopes hmmmmmm? BUSTED


Hello! It was a very good video, I learned a lot, and I have one critique for your consideration: On occasion there are jokey references to what I can only assume you've interpreted as generic internet slang (tea, sis, this ain't it chief; in the past, the use of the clap emoji between words; woke [though you may or may not have ever used that one, it's just commonly misused]), but these are examples of African American Vernacular English that have been appropriated and often diluted by non-Black people on the internet. I think it's worth examining your employment of these terms, at the very least in the interest of sensitivity. You may find there are jokes available to you that don't utilize AAVE for ironic/comedic value (even with good intentions). Thanks as always for your hard work!


Best "The Aristocrats" I've seen since the last time I watched "The Aristocrats."


We'll talk to our sensitivity reader consultants about this!


Release the HMum cut #ReleaseTheHMumCut


:O love the bomberman


[starting the video] welp it's 90 minutes long, ok I'll watch half of it tonight [90 minutes later] welp I've finished it, now I have to wait 6 months for the next one! This is your best work so far. The pace is great, there's a clear storyline and progression, the jokes cracked me up, lots of great footage and research too. And the team made a visible difference: Great job Kat and Grind3h and Angie and Adam and Rachel! I hope you guys get the vaccine soon, hang tight!


That was really good. So many great little jokes!


One thing me and my friends found missing were trigger warnings on the child abuse section. It has some pretty graphic descriptions of truly awful things. Other than that it is an absolutely stunning anjd incredibly important work and thank you so much for making it.


i was thinking the same thing. A trigger warning would be good.


While I think the section detailing the extensive and invasive testing that was done on the children in Wakefield's study is on the whole justified, I think you go a bit too far in hyping up the fear involved with some of the individual procedures. As an example the procedure mentioned at 1:04:45 gives the implication that the Barium X-ray procedure is really scary. I have Crohn's disease and have had to undergo this and other tests you mentioned several times, it's a routine outpatient procedure. It is true that the procedure does have cancer risks associated with it, but this is true of every X-ray procedure, including ones given to children to assess potential broken bones or as part of routine dental checkups. It is true that no one should take these tests unnecessarily, particularly as the effects of radiation compound over time, but it's improper to over emphasize the risks associated if that would mean scaring people off from necessary and relatively non-invasive procedures. In the case of the Barium X-ray procedure, you drink a non-offensive tasting (usually lemon-lime flavored) solution and lay down for X-rays. Some places still use the kind of intimidating looking tube they use for full MRI-scans, but many places use the much less intimidating ring. You are given a baseline scan before all the part of the machine that activates the Barium goes on and a second scan is taken. That's it, there are few if any noticeable side effects, and you're in and out in a matter of minutes once the procedure begins (wait times for the procedure being the single biggest time sink). I appreciate the advocacy for people getting colonoscopies, but that is a more invasive and potentially risky test than the Barium X-ray procedure. The emphasis on informed consent is good, but I think there is a problem in adding to the fears people often have in undergoing fairly banal medical procedures to test for GI issue.


30:47 as it spins into the cut out on 'autistic enterocolitis' - could do with a sllliiightly longer pause between it and the joke about being a shill. Doesn't get enough time to land or hear properly before DEFECTIVE COLONS. :)


I really enjoyed the video but one thing feels off. The new version of the bit with your mom being shortened feels off. I liked the version from the first draft you sent patrons


I loved this video! Any chance that the final will have content warnings for the abuse section or elsewhere in the video? I know "abuse" is in the title of that section but it might be good to have some more specific medical-warnings or provide a skippable timestamp for some of the really heavy things! This may just be me but I found the general section explaining exactly how the kids were abused to be really informative about colonoscopies and other medical procedures, but also incredibly difficult to watch, so a timestamp or some warnings might be a good solution to this?


This was really fascinating. In your april post you said you were going to make two videos - one regarding the "science" behind the anti-vax study and another about the media fuelling the anti-vax sentiment. Is this still the case, seeing as this video is 1.5hours long? I hope you didn't overwork yourself. I'd love to have a video about why people continue to believe these things. Is it general unease, distrust of the government etc? I loved the stuff at the end regarding how providing direct evidence by getting the COVID vaccine itself makes people more comfortable with accepting its safety, and that regardless we should strive to make a better world for everyone even if a minority don't believe or accept it, but ultimately what do you do about them? With something like vaccines, herd immunity is vital so even a small percentage who aren't vaccinated can have consequences for everyone.


At one point you describe RNA as “DNA for viruses” (if I’m remembering it right), I’m assuming this is a deliberate simplification or a joke? It’s not accurate at all, but an explanation of what RNA is isn’t relevant to the video, so no big deal.


The beginning of the Ace Attorney style scene seems to cut off the beginning of your sentence, or something that's jarring to me soundwise happens there. But other than that another amazing video I can't wait to be able to link people to.

Rebecca Richards

Just seconding the odd emphasis on the danger of the Barium procedure, this is extremely routine for anyone who is displaying signs of recurring GI distress. I took it as part of diagnosing what eventually turned out to be a hiatal hernia and the only side effect I had was the worst constipation of my life. In their defense, they told me to drink plenty of fluids and I blew off the advice, so that was my doing. I'd also note the "eating some radioactive food and then watching your body digest it" is a Gastric Emptying Scan, and is also non-invasive and pretty routine for diagnosing GI issues. They gave me oatmeal and then I had to lay still for like three hours while they took pictures of my digestive process. Boring, but no more dangerous than any other X-ray. It's important to point out that these procedures, while normally safe, do still carry some risks and Wakefield did not disclose *any* risks to his patient. For every test I underwent through in the very long diagnostic process, I had a ton of disclosure forms to go through to make sure I understood what risks they had and what to look out for. I mean colonoscopies are also life-saving, but my aunt's one and only colonoscopy ended with her heart stopping due to being one of the rare people that has a life-threatening anesthetic reaction. It doesn't make them less safe, but it does highlight the importance of being truthful when presenting patients with medical decisions, something Wakefield deliberately and recklessly avoided. Like, if Wakefield didn't tell me I needed to make sure my kid had plenty of fluids after Barium and he stopped pooping, I'd be horrified.


when you did the rewind and it said "almost an hour ago..." i read that as "just hours ago..." pff, (i do really enjoy your long videos tho) and holy shit i still cant believe i never really heard about all of this garbage (born in 2000)


Amazing job by the whole team! I hope you're all feeling proud of this one. I literally gasped when Fudenburg was the revealed blurred out name there at the end haha, it's all just such a tragicomic mess


Really enjoyed watching this and the Ace Attorney skit truly was brilliant. Definitely plan on checking out Brian Deer's work after watching this and I hope this video spreads the awareness this issue deserves. Gotta admit that I was kind of sad you cut down the bit with your mum at the beginning, since I thought the "Was I vaccinated?" reaction was fantastic.


Excellent video! I wish there could have been time to address the fact that the antivax movement has very much morphed and infiltrated the hippie eco-mama “my baby is more natural than yours” scene, but I also get that 1:30:00 is a lot and you did a great job of cracking the foundation of antivax rhetoric. Thank you!!


I wish you good legal luck!


the joke about ending a sentence with a preposition is kind of unhelpful.


OH GOD RIGHT?? I was reading about surveys of factors influencing decisions of whether to vaccinate, and a subset (mostly conservative) made their decisions based on purity more than collective good.


Great video, super informative and honestly, had myself and my partner groaning audibly at the sheer audacity of the scxam


So, whenever Wakefield said "Parents deserve the choice", he was actually saying "Fools deserve to be parted from their money; their children's well-being be damned". Would it be good to include that observation?


Unless RNA can't be used to identify viruses (because when people think of a person's DNA, most frequently they first think of its use in biometrics, rather than its biological function).


God, this video makes me sad about how little money I'm contributing to the channel, I should look into paying your team more for the excellent work they do...


Watching this the main feeling I had was how much it doubles as an attack on the British media's total failure to interrogate any issue. The journalist Jon Stone has this great tweet that the UK discourse has "no antibodies", and basically anything can become fact as long as it's pushed through the right way (https://twitter.com/joncstone/status/1300145485039243265). Basically none of the prominent journalists covering Wakefield suffered any consequences, and a lot of them are still around today pushing, for example, complete nonsense about trans people.


Can we talk about how the random doctor around the 22:30 minute mark has a Starry Night tie?


oh god damnit I just outed myself as being one of the people who primarily listens while I do my embroidery or other hand related thing and it took until the hour mark for me to come back and retract my own statement oops


Wow, the segment about the child abuse was absolutely horrific. This was excellently made, looking forward to watching it again when its published!


"RNA is like DNA for viruses" makes me so incredibly mad because it's not *completely* wrong EXCEPT IT DEFINITELY IS, but I do understand not wanting to get into the varied field of different viruses, some of which do USE DNA HARRIS Anyway the sound bit at 1:21:36 killed me, so i guess you're forgiven, good video

Adam Greene

So, after watch 3, I actually think the stories of the colonoscopies given to the kids has ensured I WON'T be getting one ever. Damn it.


Having had 4 colonoscopies by the time I turned 30, and with another one on the horizon next year (Crohn's FTW), I can honestly say for the average person colonoscopies aren't that scary. Almost all doctors have you either fully or partially sedated these days, so the procedure itself is almost always super easy or something you won't even really experience. Admittedly the prep work you have to do is not fun, i.e. lots of laxatives, but the procedure itself is super easy and potentially life saving.


Harris dear, you really must specify. Am I to take your meaning of "a bath made of teeth" to be a bath(tub) which is, in design, composed entirely OF teeth in order to serve it's primary purpose as a tub (i.e. to hold water.) If that is the case then MY LORD we have the whole question to then engage with which is critically, what KIND of teeth? Human teeth? Whale teeth? Snail teeth? Or are you referring to a bath where teeth are to take the place of water... in which case the matter of what kind of teeth probably takes an even more crucial role.


Oooo finally watched this!! One thing I was wondering about is why the section on how hard it is to change people's minds was removed. It seemed useful as a starting point to empathizing with why it's so difficult to convince people with facts and logic. I haven't read the paper that was referencing though, so maybe it wasn't super factual or something? Either way I'm curious!


This is a really good video! Worth the wait for sure. The section about child abuse was very important but pretty upsetting. I don't know if there was a visual trigger warning (if there was I missed it) but I think that's really needed. A spoken trigger warning would be even better for folks like me who are mostly listening while doing other stuff.


I think the new version of the joke with your mum works much better now!


I was hoping to see a bit more about how this grift impacts the autistic community and the narrative surrounding what autism actually is, and the 'cure' rhetoric's deadly consequences. I do understand that wasn't the focus to begin with so I am not incredibly disappointed or surprised, however. Overall, I think it looks pretty solid, and I appreciate this topic being covered.

Adam Greene

I feel this calls for an art contest. People can submit their "teeth bath" takes, and the community can judge them. Winner gets to ship the bath to the UK to be used in a video.


I watched this with my wife and our housemate (both of whom are clinical pharmacists at one of the best children's hospitals in the country) and they had no objections to any of the medical content, hooray! Then my wife asked me why she simultaneously loves HBomberguy videos and also kind of can't stand him, and I laughed.


There's still some in there at the start! I don't remember the original version well enough to be sure, but maybe it was shortened?


Your first feature length Measured Response great work!


I often think 'yes but am I also just watching videos where people tell me my beliefs are true?' and my mental defense is usually that they're not telling me to buy anything, so it was a little awkward that you plugged a book right at the end. (I know! I know!) A+ video though, you still have an incredible talent for arcing and pacing long stories.


I've just started it and already delighted to the call back I mean reminder that horses don't exist.


So this is a small thing and maybe rly hard to do so if it doesn't happen its ok but but i really like ur fursona could you zoom out a little bit with the shot at 10:18 so I can see him and be happy c:


Hi hbomb! This was amazing. Thank you so much for making it. No joke, I think it's probably going to save a few lives. Just one minor piece of feedback though — please include some content warning bracketing around the descriptions of medical abuse. Some of us have some pretty severe anxiety about medical procedures, particularly on non-consenting children, and wooooh buddy that child abuse segment was *extremely rough*.


The evo psych being fake comment is a little harsh, the "fake" aspects are just things people say who arent actual researchers/psychologists, and the comment doesnt really differentiate the two


You might want to change the "rna is dna for viruses basically" It might be confusing for people who know that humans also have rna. Not a big thing though, everything else is great


All of the “horses aren’t real” references 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Please do the extra video on the report. I’d love to see it. Also, as someone whose gotten a colonoscopy, I can confirm that it’s really not that bad. The worst part is the prep medicine.


Bill Maher had to go and tested positive for Covid-19 after being, allegedly, fully vaccinated for Covid-19 (allegedly). I know that vaccines provide antibodies, not magical immunity, and exposer still puts you at risk; but I feel like including that point could undermine the message. If only Bill Maher had better nutrition


Did not expect Hbomb's Mum to have that accent aha


I mean, I don’t *really* think it matters, but it’s more accurate to refer to RNA as simply the genetic material of the measles virus rather than “DNA for viruses.” Partly because humans have RNA too, and also because other viruses have DNA. But I get the idea and it’s not a major problem. Edit: Okay a bunch of people have pointed this out. Probably should have scrolled through before posting.


I am a GP and have never fully read Ex-Dr Wakefield's article and probably never will. Admittedly doing so would have taken me far less time than watching a 92 minute video on the subject but having paid you a dollar a month I'm damned well going to get my moneys worth and can at least now feel more informed when I tell my patients that they're bad people if they don't get their children vaccinated and reassure my wife who is also a GP that our daughter's increasingly sociopathic behaviour is nothing to do with her MMR and is purely down to our terrible parenting skills. I would be extremely grateful if you could base your future videos on recent NICE guidance so that my patients will receive treatment based on actual evidence rather than a combination of my gut feeling and mis-remembered quasi-facts plucked from the drunken haze that was medical school.

Rebecca Richards

Welp, I've already watched this video three times and I'm already convinced its your best work yet. Good luck wrangling premiere!


This video starts with a doctor insano reference I just realized. Channel awesome will haunt me for the rest of my days.


The video is so good! loved it. So a couple of nit picky things tho: RNA isn't really 'DNA for viruses', some viruses actually do have DNA and humans also have RNA. And i'm not sure if I missed it but what this asshole does to these children deserves a content warning when you start describing the actual medical procedures in detail. It's fairly disturbing.


This video was REALLY good. I thought I already knew how much of a quack this stuff was, but holy crap.

Dragon Cobolt

The only thing that I would like to have seen more of would be a statement on the whole "holy shit, the number of people who would prefer dead children to autistic ones, wow, our society is incredibly...autisticphobic..." I don't...know the actual word...

Dragon Cobolt

oh wait, there was a bit where Harris says that, ignore this comment, I'm dumb.


mr bomb this is truly your magnum opus, even better than all your other magnum opi


You have no idea how nice it is hearing that after all the time and work that went into it. Thank you so so much


I was expanding the bill maher segment and THEN that same day he tested positive. hoo boyyy


I promise you it is not a dr. insano reference. I'm so sorry. I think you're doomed


After all these years it's still incredible how you've transformed from making fun of some douchebags and pointing out their lies to making fun of a capitalist pointing out his lies in his study in extra length. Keep that work up and take your time! ❤️


I miss the extended bit with your Mum, but I still absolutely loved the video.

Adam Greene

Oh! I noticed a few jokes, like the "If more people could read titles like this maybe we wouldn't be here," and I have to wonder why... Is that just too much of a "oh ha ha people are ignorant!" joke, or was there another reason? I actually think a few of the jokes you took out were great, but like the bit about you not being vaccinated, I can see why it's wiser to just pull that out.


unrelated to video as a whole, but I'm actually close friends with the son of the chairman of Carabao. Nice to see a cameo :)


Oh. My. Gosh. You knocked this one out of the park. I have really enjoyed your measured response series (and scanlines, but no - focus) and this is the best one yet. I want to say, chef's kiss on the Bill Maher segment right now - the man is anti-vax (I don't care what he labels himself, he's anti-vax) but is alive and well right now because he was vaccinated against Covid. And he so spectacularly had to announce the cancellation of his most recent taping because he still caught it. That lil overblown flu wannabe Covid sure is a scamp. What a rascally virus. So all the world will see he's fine because he was vaccinated. Wonderful. He's accidentally done a service while trying so hard to be an ass. Bravo to all who worked on this. I loved the animations, too! :D


I think it would be smart to mention the few that have died of some of the new vaccines. The video is great tho!


This video was worth subscribing.

Hannah Winter

Rubella was more well known as German Measles so I don't think that many people look it up, though I didn't get an MMR jab, just a measles one, and I had the fun of Mumps as a small child and rubella as a teenager which I used to say was the most boring disease in the world as I didn't feel ill but had to stay indoors for an entire week. A week seems like nothing now.


Got vaccinated yesterday and been showing off to my dad who got cold feet when he got his invitation (and broke my senses). Now I can justify my showing off, thanks HBomberguy !


My mother has the autism fear, i was a massively early baby and to "protect" me i didn't get any hospital visits after being taken home, when my brother got his injection at the age of around 2 he apparently had a reaction, including brain swelling and when he came out of it he had autism signs, thus validating my mothers initial fears of modern medicine, ive lived wary and trying to get registered with the nhs while never seeing a doctor is a real pain in the ass.


Watching this after getting my second vaccine shot.


Great video, really well researched! I have to point out though that digestion of some milk and plant proteins produces short peptides called exorphins that are indeed "morphine-like" in that they bind to opioid receptors. There's some experimental evidence that they enter the bloodstream, but whether they have a role in causing autism spectrum disorders or even cross the blood-brain barrier is far from settled science yet. Full disclosure: I do have a PhD in computational biochemistry, but this is not my area of research.


As an Australian, it was humourous to me that the Consiprasea cruise was on the Ruby Princess which was the cause of one of the biggest outbreaks in Australia.

Sable Walsh

Brian David Gilber Cameo! Pog


Great video, Hbomb!


Going to text my mother and thank her for having me vaccinated.

Longspeak Teller

You know, I work in the medical field, and I've encountered many Antivaxxers, and I always assumed they were simple-minded morons who didn't want their children to be healthy. But I had no idea how far down Wakefield had sunk. I thought he was just a bad scientist who fudged data to "prove" a thing he believed in. Now I learn he's an opportunistic predator who did it all for money. Every preventable death is blood on his hands.


I loved this video so much. I think about it every day. I know too many people who are hesitant to get the covid vaccine, and knowing that so much mistrust and disinformation started with this painfully inept man is too much. Tremendous work.


I like one antivaxx woman's sign complaining of 'medical fascism.' Yeah, I'm sure they're all very concerned about medical fascism, including the kind where accusing babies of being autistic means you get to medically experiment on them


The lumbar punctures thing struck me as especially haunting, given that repeated lumbar punctures were notably given to the children originally under the care of hans asperger that he handed off for medical experimentation


This video was so informative and honestly really depressing. now if you will excuse me I will have to watch it at least another 20 times to get all the deatails and stuff


I do wish a non-quack could tell me and all my autistic friends why we have such shitty guts tho


Generally stress can lead to various enteric difficulties and autistic people often encounter high stress situations!


At about the midpoint of the video, there is a call for people to get a colonoscopy (or strongly consider it), and I'm a little worried that that is not actually the current medical advice by either the NHS or HSE. As far as I can tell, neither health service advises that someone get a colonoscopy without symptoms or other indicators (in fact I think the advise is, if concerned, to get another much less invasive screening procedure beforehand, involving an at-home stool test).


Please hire somebody to make proper subtitles/captions for your videos. I know A LOT of people, who would very much enjoy your content, but can hardly watch videos in English (especially with British accent) without subtitles.


damn I didn't check the credits list and am not on it now :(


I don't see 5 names between Annon Follower and Anthony Bartlett-Fletcher that are on the list but not on the youtube video. euhm


Hey there! There are two seperate credits, one before the Deer book shoutout and one after, you're in the second one! I believe they're seperated depending on patreon tier.


k, I didn't look far enough then. Thanks for letting me know. Y I would assume it would be on tier list then


There is captions on it? there should be a "cc" button to the left of the youtube logo on the bottom bar, or at least there is for me. I scrubbed through and they seem to be accurate. Am I missing something? /g


So i only just noticed my name is on this list, but doesn't appear in the actual video