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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King FULL Reaction!

This is "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King FULL Reaction!" by Cass on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



The Hobbit would be a great book to read through for a reaction, I bet you could finish it in less time than watching all three movies haha


Yeees, thank you!


Cant possibly explain how hyped I am to watch this tonight, I did not expect it to drop so soon after TT.


I think you would enjoy the hobbit series, especially the first 2, I think it is worth making reactions to


I'd say Hobbit is still a time better spent than, let's say Marvel stuff. But it's nowhere near close to LotR.


When you comment about the Trilogy, I suggest that you watch the LOTR vs Star Wars clip from Clerks 2. Lol


Yeah, Andy Serkis not only voiced Gollum but also did motion capture.


I would rank the Marvel series as a whole MUCH higher than the Hobbit trilogy, although I do think the first Hobbit movie is better than the Average Marvel film. Marvel hits higher highs than the Hobbit films in my personal opinion. The third Hobbit really shit the bed.


So, I think you would appreciate The Hobbit trilogy. You should definitely watch it.

Derrick C. Shields

Man, this just happens to get an upload ON MY PAYDAY are you for real? Alright, my night's set. I'd never seen the extended version of Two Towers before your reaction, and I loved it; so here's hoping Return of the King continues to impress.

Dave M.

This movie won 11 out of 11 academy awards, including best picture. A remarkable piece of art! Also, your facial expressions most of the time: 😲

Dave M.

P.S. Smoke detector.... thought it was in my building for a bit hahahahahahaha


The lighting of the beacons is one of my favourite scene of the entire trilogy It's so epic 🙂


Great reaction for a great final film! And I love watching LOTR reactors who saw Game of Thrones first, so scared that main characters are going to die at any moment and then the smiles and relief when it all ends well after all. I believe GRRM actually specifically wrote GoT to be a more realistic version of a LOTR like story. I think he went too far to the dark side, but they are 2 nice sides of a "Fantasy" coin in that way. If you get the time and want to laugh a bit, look up the George RR Martin vs JRR Tolkien Epic Rap Battle on Youtube. Oh, and if you like behind the scenes, you should get the LOTR Extended Edition DVDs if it's still possible (don't think its on Blu-Ray, though some is probably on youtube). There's fantastic behind the scenes stuff covering everything about the trilogy. It's like twice the runtime of the movies and it's pretty much all amazing. Each movie has 4 commentary tracks (director+writers/actors/design team/production team) and lots of documentaries. From crazy actor prank stories to learning how they basically invented massive crowd CGI to learning how several people who made the physical chainmail for the actors actually lost their fingerprints from putting millions of small rings together. The story of how they made the trilogy is almost as good as the movies themselves. (and definitely better than The Hobbit trilogy, which I just found so disappointing).

Jay Kawala

A disclaimer that about 30 minutes into this reaction you may wish to turn down your headphones might be in order. lol

Jay Kawala

My personal opinion is that if you read The Hobbit you'd be disappointed by the movies.


Great Reaction :) Form my perspective, Smeagol is not truly evil, Gollum however is. There are also plenty of great Lore-Videos on Youtube. About that: There is a scene in the extended edition of the Fellowship, where they recieve gifts from Galadriel when they leave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDS5uDa1T7A There is also a great Lore-Story connected with Galadriels gift to Gimli.

Dave M.

Another comment: Do you live near a frickin' TRAIN?! By the way, I have seen this film many, many times and I still cry like a baby. I get headaches, too. After I have a good cry, I always feel I need a tremendous, long nap. Important: this one will need dos (two) parts for YouTube, just so you know. Such a beautiful film. Do some research on behind the scenes stuff on this trilogy.

Dave M.

For the second and third films and not the first. Just the voice for the first film, CGI for that, mocap and voice for second and third. Yep-ep! "Gollum! Gollum!" was an imitation of a cat coughing up a furball... Gotta watch the reunion of the cast "Reunited Apart" on YouTube. Hosted by Josh Gad -- Olaf himself!


Hobbit trilogy is ok but really not on the same standard as LOTR. LOTR is definitely one of the best trilogies imo, along with the dark knight trilogy. If you haven't seen those yet I would definitely recommend them , I've seen you enjoy other christopher nolan movies in your reactions so you might like those too!


These were easily the best reactions I've ever seen to these movies, thanks so much for this.


Return of the king has, in my opinion, the best extended edition in the trilogy.


I really like the Hobbit movies, mostly. I even prefer at least one of them (the Extended versions of course) to some of the Lord of the Rings movies. You not having read the book would probably be a benefit, since a lot of people get really hung up on what they feel that story is "supposed to be like", thereby making it harder to enjoy what the filmmakers actually made. Definitely worth watching, I'd say. Also, who wouldn't want to spend another nine or so hours in this world?


Regarding the Hobbit; is it in my top 10 movies? Nope. Is it worth the watch absolutely. It’s not bargain bin movie. Should finish off the story with the prequel.

Sean Stuart

Worth the wait. Thank you! I know we request a lot from you and hate to add to it. I encourage you to look into Tolkien's life. This story comes from a man who went off to WW1 with friends and came home.. Why good guys are from the West and Evil is from the east


Enjoy this, Like Gandalf Said, "Not all tears are an evil."


To clarify the ending, The ships go to Valinor, LOTR heaven, the immortal lands beyond the sea where there is no death fear pain or sorrow. It is the SAME place people go when they die, but those who take the ships do not have to die to get there.


Humans dont go there when they die, thats the whole point. Elves are immortal because even when their physical bodies die, they go to Valinor, but no one knows where humans go after death.


Yes. During the reactions to GoT they were dubbed The Trains of Castamere. They are a recurring feature in these reactions :).

Mister Lou

besides this, I love the Back To The Future Trilogy.. and YES I DO recommend you watch the Hobbit Trilogy, you might like it, if you go into it open minded.

Derrick C. Shields

Totally agree on the comment you made about emotional endings in general affecting you more than just "sad" ones. A melancholy, "is this a... happy ending... or a sad one?" kind of ending will wreck me so much more - and I will remember it for so much longer - than one where all the friends die while saving the world or something. To be clear, I do think LotR has an almost undeniably happy ending to it, but there is some of that melancholy with Frodo and Sam's conclusion.


So you asked us about trilogies cass well LOTR is without question the greatest but back to the future for sure is great, planet of the apes and the borne films, are also very good oh almost forgot karate kid ofcourse all the millions of cobra kai fans would agree with that I'm sure 🙂


Someone's probably already mentioned it, but since you asked for Behind The Scenes stuff, I thought I'd throw out there that the Extended Edition DVDs have a ton of awesome behind the scenes documentaries. A lot of them (or at least parts of them) are available on Youtube, such as this hour-and-a-half-plus section: https://youtu.be/8sZMTUIegE0


Yeah the first two are good, I'd say. I really like the 2nd one for the parts closer to the end - so good! Plus, if she ever rewatches LOTRs, then it gives context to certain scenes - like the Trolls in the woods and when Bilbo talks to Frodo in Rivendell.


I love how you got really emotional for the last hour of the movie. I've watched these so many times (Last just 2 weeks ago) and yet I still cried during these reactions, and it's a wonderful thing. And please do watch the Hobbit movies. They feel a fair bit different, and they have no where near the emotional depth you get from these movies, but they are worth watching for one reason, they give you exactly what you crave!! multiple films of flashbacks for Bilbo lol. If nothing else they will help you appreciate just how good LotR is. I also agree, the scene with Sam "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" is possibly the most emotional scene for me, and then to follow that up moments later with Aragorn saying "For Frodo" before he charges is a crazy one two punch in the feels. They really don't give you a moment to rest from feeling things in the last half of this movie


This was a fantastic journey to watch my favorite trilogy with you as a first time viewer. The only complaint I have and it’s no fault of yours because how would you know is keeping the credits and reaction rolling after each movie. I’m pretty sure all the credit songs were nominated for oscsrs(at least 2) and the return of the king credit song Into The West won that year. That one more than any hits you with all kinds of emotions as the cast of characters are displayed. Please do yourself a favor and watch the end credits to ROTK.


Gratz on getting to about £1500 on Patreon btw. You are now officially earning what I do from a fairly well paid 40 hour week job in the UK, just from Patreon. Though I don't know how much of a cut they might take, this is amazing Cass, keep up the good work.


I enjoy these, but so far when I’ve tried a watch-along, my movie always outpaces your timer, to the point where in Two Towers it was a good 2+ mins ahead. I started this one and straight from the open on Sméagol it was already changing cuts faster. I’m not sure if it’s because mine is DVD vs you streaming or just because it’s the playback of your recording vs a timer, but yeah. I don’t know if others have this problem, but maybe throwing in the beginning of a scene here or there can help keep people in sync


I haven't noticed any major desyncs but I would second having more visual cues - either as you suggested the first few seconds of a new scene every now and then or perhaps leaving the video running but cutting the audio & blurring the image which allows for easy syncing without running afoul of copyright?


As for the end where Frodo goes to Valinor which is a heaven of sorts. Sam gets to go there when he is in his old age and Gimli gets to go there too with Legolas as the first Dwarf to ever step foot in Valinor. Pippin and Mery die of old age in Gondor and are laid to rest in the crypts alongside all of the kings. they all eventually die until the day where they are all apart of reforming the world with their version of god. The afterlife in the LOTR is really interesting :)


To equate part of this with GoT, because of these films/book and the influence on GRRM and ASOIAF, so many expected Jon to be George’s version of Aragorn. When, in fact, he was Frodo all along. No coincidence that his best friend is named Sam. 😉


Watching this trilogy with you has been an absolute treat. You made some very astute observations for a first time watcher, things I certainly didn't notice on my first viewing. Being able to see the reaction of someone watching for the first time was really awesome. As for some behind the scenes stuff (hopefully these haven't been mentioned, I didn't read all the comments): In The Two Towers (2nd film) when Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are trying to find Merry and Pippin and find the pile of burned bodies of the Uruk'hai and Orcs, Aragorn kicks a helmet and falls to his knees screaming. Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) actually shattered one of his toes kicking the helmet and that is the shot we see in the movie. Also, Peter Jackson's kids cameo in all three films: https://i.redd.it/e55jo4ps32r01.jpg


Cass, when you cry, I cry


i mean, hope can never be certain, for me it's a state of mind, you ither have hope, or you don't..nothing between..always the hope there is (kind of yoda speech, but tried to be middle-earth :D


Did anyone else see one of Shelob's kids make two appearances in this reaction video? Starting between the two bookcases, second shelf from the bottom, ~03:41:51 - 03:42:21 (timer displayed in video) Then continuing on the wall on the right side of the bookcase, bottom shelf, above the papers & books, ~03:47:01 - 03:47:58 (timer displayed in video)  Since I didn't see it posted, here's a neat cast reunion video on YouTube.  https://youtu.be/l_U0S6x_kCs Yes, please make reaction videos to The Hobbit trilogy.

Jake H

Jesus that smoke alarm freaked me out lol