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About Astralaria

As you can see, illustration drawings for the town's use are underway.

Because of the new artist involved in the work, it took us some time to check and refurbish all the maps and related objects. We expected to finish the first test map this month, but in fact we've only finished the map as much as we expected.

Enemy illustrations and programming are still moving forward. But the good news is that Astralaria is coming along quite well.

You can see an illustration of the map and some of the interactive objects we've completed so far.

Overall, there are five regions.

The random encounter boss is waiting for its loot to be drawn and values adjusted. This part is less efficient because we are working on the trinket packs at the same time.

The trinket packs are awaiting translation, but until then the Harpy class needs to be processed.

The Harpy class has been programmed and animated, and is currently missing the SFW component ...... It will be put together in about a week, then translated and made available for download.

Aeon class

Du Yi Yu

Abigail's full animation redo has been completed and will be updated in a few days. It is now waiting for the programmers to tweak it and add new updates.


Early testing of my Starsector mod has begun, but only the Chinese version is available now. You can check out and download it from Starsector's Chinese forum. In addition, the illustrations of the two ships are now in the public area, please check out the copyright notice I wrote within the post for their specific instructions.

Here is the link to my post: https://www.fossic.org/thread-10066-1-1.html ←You can also download this early beta version here


The MC model will need to be released around 1 January 2024 due to work adjustments by the producers involved. The character model released this time is Jibril from NO GAME NO LIFE.


Also, Merry Christmas!

Have a Happy New Year.



Kurt Kobain

TY Ghastriv !!!!++++ Happy Holidays!


Thanks for all the work. Starsector stuff was completely unexpected but welcome, can't wait to see more of it.