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Before the content report I would like to say something else. Large mods are made possible by the cooperation of a large number of authors in the community, it doesn't always work, but we're trying.

Behind the scenes it also relies on the support of you, the community players, to get the project off the ground, and every step of every mod has your help.

In the previous post, we said that we would move forward with the mental preparation that "this is the last version". The practical way to do this is to modularize the components. As each part is completed, it can be released for individual play.

This is the first part of our preparation. It includes new dungeons and monsters consisting of five style maps. From the game Arknights.

It is expected to be completed as early as December this year.

And the monsters in the making.


Next up is the progress of the new Class.

Harpy Messenger by STM

All illustrations have been completed and are expected to be available in November.

This month's main task was to optimize Abigail's (FGO) animation.




holy cow, love arknights, cant wait to see everything!