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A Quick update regarding the great feedback on the new storyline I spoke about in my prior post!

Some great feedback in the main site with comments from three longtime friends whose opinions I do respect.

First off, this story as presented is not intended to subvert or override any previous GLabs. It’s also not going to be considered the “real thing” in terms of the Ready Art universe. It will be more like a DC Elseworlds or Marvel Alternate Universe title. It will feature familiar characters in familiar settings and be a different take. That’s all. Ideally you have fun reading it.

Second, a couple comments about the general story direction. I’m referring to just “how good is this idea”. I can totally understand if you or anyone doesn’t think this will work. I’ll do my best and I promise tons of the coolest growth I can bring to you.

Regarding Ragnarok385’s involvement. He has already written a long form story based on this universe. It’s in the editing hopper as we speak. That story is based off conversations he and I have had over the last year about this universe. You can read and enjoy that as you like! It is an intro to the universe.

The story I am drawing will also be in that universe but it will be a NEW STORY WRITTEN AND DRAWN BY ME. Ragnarok won’t be writing that one so feel free to send praise (and frustration) in my direction. His story is a giant opus and I will fully admit it’s in his ‘style’. If you are looking for more of that you will be super happy. If not, that is totally fine. If you are not excited about this idea in general then that’s a different story.

Third, new and existing storylines – ALL WILL CONTINUE AS PLANNED. Unstoppable and things like the medieval story are still in the queue. Unstoppable will finish and there are several more that need to happen before this story even comes out. The medieval is in the queue though I will admit it might be after this one since this idea was technically first.

Finally, to all my longtime friends and fans. Hey, thank you so, so much for sticking in there. I started the Ready Art Zone as a way to bring you as much art as possible. I work on my art every day. I am here to bring you new art every week for free. I see many, many places I can improve not only in my delivery of art but in the presentation of things like the website, the gallery and on and on.

I hope, just hope you understand I love drawing BE/GTS. I’ve been doing it a WAY LONG TIME and there is no freaking way anyone does it as long as me unless they enjoy it. I’ve grown to like the cast of the GLab universe. I do like Hannah, Naomi, Luna and even people like Benton and the rest. I have in my head a pretty distinct feel for the way they would act in various situations and hopefully I will continue to bring them AND NEW PEOPLE into the stories as we go. I REALLY appreciate any and all feedback. It’s so awesome to see people actually rooting for this or that character. It’s amazing to know you care about the art and want more of your favorite plots and growth sequences to be featured. I love that we have that history. Makes me so happy to have shared.

I hope this answers some questions and thoughts you may have but feel free to comment if you like. I’m here.

Thank you and thank you for the support!




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