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OK – you might be wondering what that picture exactly is (or perhaps not). If you are interested then check this out!

You know your old pal Ready is always fishing around for new ideas and takes on growth. You might not guess this from my repetitive story lines, use of the same characters and sometimes scribble-based art style. HA! Well, what you are seeing here is an idea I had over a year ago for a take on the Growth Lab where the story we have been telling all these years is ACTUALLY a show with a cast of actors. 

So here we go. We’re taking all the Growth Lab characters and make them people in the ‘real world’ starring in a movie series called "The Growth Lab". So what I am saying is there is a famous or infamous movie series (maybe it's porn or maybe it's just popular on this world for some reason). ANYWAYS! The deal is people we know as Benton, Hannah and Luna are all actors playing those parts. The twist here is pretty obvious, play with the expectations of the character against their given type. 

Think about the difference between let's say Harrison Ford and Indiana Jones or maybe Danielle Radcliff and Harry Potter. The way this series is framed is the people we have been putting into the Growth Lab series are just actors (famous, washed up, etc) playing their roles. 

Ideas like Luna is played by a person who could actually be (or had been) an adult film star. She might be the least educated of the group and hates saying all the 'big words' she has to as ‘Luna Masters’. Hannah might be a poet and ex-MMA fighter who really is only doing this for the money. Benton might be a part time musician and failed has-been child actor. I could go on but I think you get it.

So what is being done? Two things actually, one is there has been initial panel work done on this story and two – there is a written story authored by Ragnarok385 (with input and riffing from me ) being finalized as we speak. I expect this written story wrapping up in next week or so. It will be uploaded here so you can read it yourself!

In the meanwhile enjoy this sample page of what the actress playing Luna looks like outside the show. Things like size and appearance of the various characters will be addressed as we go. The idea would be we show things like special effects, CGI and even virtual and augmented reality used to broadcast the show and bring the Growth Lab to life. Of course – this ain’t a Ready Art story with BE/GTS action and there will be plenty of that!

OK – huge idea dump and look for more news and that story in the coming updates!

Comment here if you like! I’d love to hear what you think! PERSONALLY, this is probably the most excited I’ve been about a story idea in a while. You might be asking about OTHER possible stories and though nothing has been discarded from the pile this story is queued up a little ahead of them since it’s been simmering from a long, long time on my list. 





sounds really cool, and will give some added dimention :)