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Chill episode but we got some answers! 




I agree: there's no way Soohyun (Eunwoo) killed Choyoung! I think either she took the sword and stabbed herself to save him and Maksoon, or like you said, someone else grabbed it. But also, I know people are confused how the curse comes in after this, and why Haena's family is cursed instead of Seowon's. I am guessing the mountain spirit cursed her descendants precisely because she was pregnant with Soohyun's child. Now I'm so worried about the uncle. If Bogum really killed him, I will NEVER FORGIVE!


Totally random and not related to this drama but i have found out through the years consuming kdramas that sometimes different broadcast companies release some dramas with the same themes like there are times all of them release dramas about doctors , same with like revenge driven plots or supernatural / joseon era ones ,, at least sometimes lmao this is not an acutal fact just a pattern i noticed so dont take my word as the only truth !, also we need to consider netflix now as a variant dldkls lmao

strange& sleepless

I feel like she might have stabbed herself bc of the way she was holding the sword. Maybe she sacrificed herself so that eunwoo and haena would be able to live a peaceful life with their baby


oh true. kinda like what's trendy in that moment/era is bound to spread due to demand