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First Elimination! Did the right team go home? What's your ranking for this mission?




i think the next mission is 2 rounds so the first one would be the ace and the second im guessing would be the girl group songs.. idk, thats what i got from the preview🤣

Estherlynn Lubin

It’s a two part mission. One battle is the ace mission kind of like the class missions


I share the same point of view as you on Team Bebe. I think the teams may unknowingly have a bias towards team Bebe or Mnet edits out the parts where they praise the other teams but yeah

Julie Pham

They needed team wolf lo LOL baby hook is literally giving wolf lo with their fluidity and creative but raw hip hop vibe. I think for Bebe vs Mannequeen (1v1), Mannequeen should have won. I agree that it’s a name thing. Bc in the joint part battle at the beginning, I can see bebe winning bc although Mannequeen was so strong at the start, there was more sloppiness on the 2nd half than Bebe for me. Bebe was not as inventive or interesting but overall the performance felt more balance bc they were clean and well put together. During practice, I think this is where Mannequeen learned a little from Bebes training style and focus on polishing more. Inthe final big performance, Mannequeen was creative and clean and polish. Bebe’s group felt like a group of good dancers and not good choreo. The editing make it obvious they want bebe to win that round but I agree, it didn’t make sense. Baby Jam is justTHE avenger crew. I hate that we have to put them against Hook. I love them both! I LOVE that Jam let Hook keep their own choreo part in the joint choreo too. UGH amazing. Honestly jam, 1million and Hook are my favs. imagine if Bebe and 1million went against each other for this round. Bebe would be out.

Julie Pham

I need an extended cut with hooks audition round bc they’re so cute and fun. It feels unfair that a show so heavy on public votes also cut camera time for hoook so much as a team. Like we barely see these girls adn I already love them. Imagine if we got to actually see their audition and bond w them a little more…. Why show so many eliminated audition and didn’t include ones that actually made it…… They’re cutting this too fast. I hate that. So many talents and personality.

Julie Pham

Lachica’s first round of the battle is almost too good? Like they used a routine one of them already had for their own crew. Bc the choreo is so much better than their actual performance round. Hooks feel more Ike battle style choreo tho. Ppl love a good swag and spontaous moments w battles WAIT. the song for the leader battle for lachica was the one Tsubakill used in their own mega crew mission they post on YouTube…. The move lachica used for the song at the start also reminiscent of Tsubakill choreo as well …


Two of the members of hook are wolf'los students and have received alot of feedback from the wolf'lo members on social media, so it's not surprising they have that wolf'lo flare


contrary to what you mentioned about the focus being more on the girls, many viewers/long time street dance followers have been saying that they were quite unhappy with the format of this season's SDGF because of the erasure of the girl's dance crews/identities by breaking them up and labelling them under the mentors :( like many of these girl crews spent months preparing and honing their own specialties eg. house, locking, tutting, etc. only for them to be broken up and forced into their mentor's style of dancing/mentor's crew identity, which is why its "hard to predict" their stages/songs they choose because the show keeps trying to push the agenda that "team bebe chose this song/team lachica chose this concept" forgetting that these girls are not their mentors and didnt come on the show to be the mini versions of their mentors...they are their own dancers and they have their own styles and interests :// like before with the initial goal of this show/series was so that more people know about these different crews & genres and to share the love and appreciation for dance not just within the community but for the public as well. That was the reason to why many crews joined the show, to get their name out there and to show the public that theres more out there than just hiphop/girls style/etc. At least from S1, when you mention the crew names like amazon, turnz, team h, brand new child, clue c, alot of people can still identify these girl by their crew name and their crew's identities. But now if you were to ask about any of these girls, alot of people dont even remember what crew they came from which is really sad...plus its obvious that mnet is really trying to milk as much as they can out of the popular mentors + especially because they also decided not to contact all SWF2 leaders, but instead called in aiki & gabee...not saying we're not enjoying their presence in the show, but its just that they've already had their time :") omg this comment ended up being longer than i expected😭 but its just my thoughts as a dancer who also follows the k-dance scene closely theres just alot of talk about😔

Jee Emm

I agree with your levels, 1M and Jam are up there in terms of dance quality and creativity. I hope they both make it to the finals.

Julie Pham

I totally saw this coming when they broke up the crew. I think it's a matter of expectations as well. Lot of young crews come on to showcase their own color bc of S1. If they had started off with this format like the voice but for dance, there would be more focus on the masters' way of teaching and all this would be a lot easier to digest. SDGF would be more like a mini academy type show. I think it is a shame that we lose out a lot of good potential and didn't get to see what these OG crews would have brought to the challenge. That said, I'm also super torn bc... there's just magic to the random combination of talents that each brought smt different to create a super well rounded group like baby Jam. I would hate to not see all these 7 girls dance together as a crew. There's such idfferent colors to each of them yet they come together and everyone shine so well. If they have stayed in their own group, we wouldn't get to see these types of dancers in one group. I think it's also the limited number of episode and screen time. SDGF has so so many crews that needed to narrow down to 6. As it is now, it already feel so rush with not enough screen time. Unlike SWF, they have more people and less footage bc they all still need to go to school and all that. In the perspective of an entertainment show, I can also see how the decision come to be. There's a reason why these shows feel different than ABDC ya know. It's bc of the personality and connection it creates with the girls interaction and the format clearly pushed for that. Idk what the right balance is honestly LOL there's lots of reasons for both. If they had more episodes and may be more investment, may be there would be more room to have a better balance between the crews and the mentors/masters.

Lily Bujnak

Is it just me or when 1milion was performing and the drop happened it really reminded me of Lady Bounce 😭 I can’t say what exactly but when I watched it I suddenly thought of Lady Bounce About the hype of Bebe and their performance… actually I slightly agree with you that people might hype them more because of the name Bebe BUT for me (as a Bebe lover haha) I really liked their performance and choreo last episode but the ice cream didn’t really impress me or anything I just felt like yes it was good and then never thought about it later😭 I feel like if they had better song it would be better or maybe I just really hate ice cream song 🤣 idk why from all of Blackpink songs they chose ice cream 😕 so for me Mannequeen was much better

Bruklyn W.

This isn’t super important but I just wanted to mention it because it gave me a really high appreciation towards Park Eunwoo (Jam Republic’s leader). Basically the member from Jam (blue haired girl) that wasn’t in this episode wasn’t really about a shoulder injury. Blue haired girl and Eunwoo both came from the group no lip (if you remember them wearing like military uniforms and being really good in first episode) and basically after the first mission, No Lip made them decide between staying with Jam or being in No Lip. Eunwoo decided that for her own growth she wanted to stay on the show while blue haired girl decided to leave to compete with No Lip again and used “shoulder injury” as an excuse. Basically No Lip has now completely cut Eunwoo from their existence, unfollowed her on Instagram and blurred her in every single picture of their Instagram. They also posted a picture without Eunwoo and said something about “real family”

Bruklyn W.

Idk. I just think it’s crazy that the group Eunwoo was with for 2 years, instead of supporting her and allowing her to come back once the show was over, instead decided to erase her from their existence and cut her out of the group. I applaud Eunwoo for being able to do what she thought was best for her growth and for being an obviously amazing leader to baby Jam