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Looks like Bunsen is getting a little impatient with out delicious Space Hero! 

Phew, this scene is still a little rough and not quite done yet, but I didn't want to move the preview to next month. I think it's save to say we finally made it to the fun bits, hah!

Hoh boy, seeing how many scenes there are still left to animate, I think January is a much safer estimate for this animation's release window. I had originally aimed for a release around Christmas, but realized that only 3 - 4 months of production time were just a little too optimistic for this, especially considered that each of the RAADD animations already took this long to make, and these were only a minute in runtime. Oh well, how much I yearn to make something a little shorter again. Who knows, maybe I'll do that when Chloe is done!

Speaking of which, next to showing more progress on this animation, there should be some updates on Chloe again next month. Since we're going with the Anubian Jackal design, she'll be getting some proper clothes and jewelry. We might touch up her mouth as well while we're at it!

Last but not least, the rendering of the intro scene for this animation has been completed! There's no post and color grading yet, but I think the quality of the bare rendering Is already pretty convincing and illustrates how much further I can push the visuals now. But have a look for yourself: Link 




Foxy the fox

why do i feel like i've heard that voice before


You know the release date has always been my problem, but I'm fine waiting a bit longer. Keep it up 😊