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Going out of the house with my little one in tow can be challenging but, so worth it when I see her smile light up a room! This weeks adventure was to the aquarium. We walked over a shark bridge, watched the hippos feed and babygirl really loved seeing sea "ponies". Here are some fun tips to help you make the most of a day out with your little! 

- Bring a "diaper bag". Even if you don't have an actual diaper bag like we do, you can still pack a back pack or purse full of essentials. Just carrying it around will remind your little one of their true state! Don't forget wipes, snacks and a fresh diaper of course! 

- Ask your baby lots of questions! Your little one is less likely to wonder off or revert back to adult space if you are continuously engaging with them. "How many fishies can baby count?" "Can you help mommy find an orange fish?" 

-Give the little one some control! After all, this day should be for them! Give them the map and let them lead you around or give them choices about when to stop for snacks/lunch. My little one loved having her own map and whenever we were done with an exhibit I would let you choose where we went next. 




Looks like trip with babygirl was amazing!! Glad you both had fun!!


This is the good, wholesome content the world needs right now! Glad you ladies had fun!