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Baby girl loves to have fruitloops and fruit for breakfast. Mommy has recently introduced the high chair and utensils since the baby was obsessed with eating from mommy's lap.  We will keep working with baby girl on all of her milestones, it is so fun watching her grow and learn as a mommy. 

Tips for CG's: 

-let baby use their hands, this is how they learn and explore. (if they get messy just put them in the bath) 

-remember that babies make mistakes and are going to be messy, be patient and kind while they figure things out 

- suction cup bowls and plates might be beneficial but if you have a mischievous little like mine then they will manage to pull them off and put the food on the tray any way 

- HAVE FUN! Use mealtime as a chance to get to know your baby better, have fun playing and talking to them about their experience. 
