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I was going to say the same thing as Primus. Newton made the original building appear so he is the catalyst for the other building disappearing. You seemed kind of confused in general in this ep. Olivia does know that she was a part of the trials but she doesn't remember them. Also just because you know something does not mean your bad feelings about it disappear. I think it would have been even weirder for her to just be ok with what was done to her. Peter and Olivia's closeness has been growing all season, I just think you didn't notice til it slapped you in the face. The next couple of episodes are phenomenal though.


Your fixation on the coffee at the start was fun -- as you may have eventually concluded, it was just a couple of co-workers kidding around about how bad the coffee is that their office supplies, and if he is bringing in better coffee ("real" coffee as fanatics like to say), she wants some of it next time. And as @blugirlami21 said, it's one thing to be aware that the tests were done on you as a child, and another to re-encounter the reality of it and be plunged back into that world. It's not really something to be "shaken off" instantly, even if you know that lives are at stake. You're going to be newly angry about it.


I also think that coffee is rare in the Other Universe so it’s more that she is fascinated that he had real coffee and not like imitation coffee or another drink