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damn season 7 is so good i’m so confused why you don’t like it at all lol

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I don't care enough about Clay and Quinn, and the way they literally tried replacing Lucas and Peyton with them by trying to make it seem like Clay and Quinn had been there for the past six seasons and not giving them real introductions/jumping right in with their drama, to truly enjoy season 7. But I do love Brooke and I do love Naley and Jamie. Julian sucks ASS for telling anyone at all about something so personal for Brooke, let alone the woman who's literally trying to steal him away from Brooke. Honestly don't know why I lived for Brulian the first time around. How did we go from cheering on Julian and hating Victoria when the whole Brulian thing started to the exact opposite? The writing on this show...it's got issues. Hate everything with Millie. When I was younger, it seemed like the Millie spiral took a much longer time. Now it's like...has it been a week? Two?

Michel Stephany Garces

Honestly, I watched this show for the first time only like 4 years ago and I also thought the Millie thing took so much longer, but watching it again I was shook it was so quick.

Leora Nechama

I love that they brought back Jimmy's mom. The actress is so good.