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Molly C

Missed this last week! So glad we’re getting to some of my favorite episodes soon ❤️


This is one of my favorite episodes. Its nice to see some new and old couplings again. I like that Lemon and Lavon are not into each other, I still don't think that they are a good fit. Ruby is a frustrating character for me. I never ever get the sense that Lavon is her top priority and it shows with every scene they have together. They lack chemistry and I think Lavon is less Lavon now that he is with her. He's so serious. I really missed AB in this episode. Brick and Shelby were a nice surprise. I think he probably needs someone younger to keep him guessing. I still really like Tansy and George together, I think she makes him stretch out of his George Tuckerness. I think he is able to let loose with her in ways he can't with Lemon or Zoe. Speaking of Zoe. Zoe, Zoe, Zoe. I be shaking my fist at her in these episodes. I think she is probably one of the only female characters I know that is afraid of commitment, who does not want to be with the bad boy or change him. Its refreshing in a way but also maddening lol. I feel so bad for Wade. He is really trying, he is doing everything right. He stopped having casual sex with her, he asked her on a date, he is putting himself out there to be rejected and he is kind of getting kicked in the teeth for it. He is so afraid of being proven right about not being good enough for a nice girl like Zoe. I know Zoe will get there eventually but its hard to watch at times.