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Yeah, I had a feeling that was Doug pretty much as soon as he showed up my first watch. For me it was the fact that he showed up almost as soon as Buck was gone. He waited until he'd walked off to go up to Chim and make himself known to him. Because Buck would obviously recognise him and that wouldn't be good for him. Then when he showed up again I was certain that it was him. And I just knew he'd stolen Chim's wallet. It seems that he'd been around for a while, watching from a distance. That's how he'd know about Chim, he would've seen them hanging out and would've seen the way they are with each other. Which is clearly romantic, despite them taking their time. Or it's also possible he found out she was in LA, and somehow found Buck, followed him to the Christmas Tree place and overheard him and Chimney talking about Maddie and that's how it happened. But I think the first one is more likely. I will forever love that scene with Buck and Eddie while Chris is with Santa! I love that Eddie is the one who kept bringing up him and Shannon and trying to make all these "excuses" while Buck was just telling him he didn't have to tell him anything. He wanted to tell him everything so bad! And then him opening up and telling him about how he was actually the one who left first. And I think it's so important that he acknowledges that. He knows that his reason for reenlisting was that he was scared of being a parent, especially to a kid with CP. He also knows that Shannon's reason for leaving was that she was overwhelmed with everything and he wasn't there for her in the way she'd needed. And that he says that he gets to pretend he was leaving for a noble cause while she's just considered evil. I love that acknowledgement too! Because it's true. He's the hero who bravely went to War and had to be separated from his family to do it, while she's the evil bitch who ran. But that's just NOT true. They were both scared and made mistakes due to that, but both want to do better for Christopher now. And I'm so glad he realises that and let Shannon back into Chris' life. And the Elf! One of the most iconic moments!! Her telling Buck that they have an adorable son and him just saying thank you. Not denying any of what that statement means. Not that Chris is his kid, and not that Eddie is his husband. He just rolls with it and thanks her. I love Bobby and Athena. While this may all seem very fast, I think it makes total sense for them. Both of them have had previous marriages that didn't end up working out. Bobby's due to death, of course, and Athena's due to her husband being gay. They're both in their 50s now and they know they love each other, they know what they want. They just want to be together and open themselves up all the way. So they are. And I love that for them. Plus, it's not like they're getting married the next day or anything, they get to be engaged first. I just think it makes sense for them, despite how fast it is. They've also known each other for a couple years before they started dating, they were already friends. I'm so glad Maddie decided to do Christmas though! And Chim just continuing to be totally understanding of her! So a headcanon I saw once that I have absolutely adored ever since! That picture of Buck on that Christmas card in the flashback that Maddie had, someone said imagine if Chimney is the one who took that picture! There's just something really sweet about the idea of that. Just, I have a feeling that was a big part of Maddie deciding to leave. And we know from the first time she arrived that the way she found him was the address on the Christmas card he'd sent her. So just imagine Chimney taking the picture on that card that gave her a way out. Inadvertently helping to save her even before they met. Idk, I just find it adorable... And I love everyone gathering at Athena's for Christmas! Them inviting Hen and Karen, as well as Buck and Maddie, and probably Chim too. I love it! And I continue to love how supportive Michael is of Athena. I can definitely understand his reaction to her first saying she asked Bobby to move in though. While he started dating again first, it is very different. First of all, the kids live with Athena, they obviously go to stay with him sometimes, but they LIVE with Athena. Second, Michael won't ever be introducing another woman into their lives. She never has to worry that he'll introduce them to someone and they'll replace her as their Mum. Michael definitely has that fear. He likes Bobby, and he IS happy to welcome him into the family, clearly, but there's gotta be that fear of getting replaced. Neither Athena or Bobby would ever let that happen, and the kids LOVE him. But the fear has gotta be there. But I love how he's constantly assuring her about her relationship with Bobby. And I love how understanding he is of him too. What he said about living with a secret up until recently was great. Because although the secrets were very different, that IS something they can relate to each other with. And I love that he recognises that. Doug can go rot in Hell. That flashback moment was horrifying though. The way he kissed her head. Ugh! That is meant to be such a sweet and intimate thing shared between people, but the way he forcefully pulled her closer to do it, and the look on her face and the fact that she was all bloody and crying, and all the mess around them. Awful!! So, Idk if you know but the actor who plays Doug is actually Jennifer Love Hewitt's real life husband. He was the only person she felt comfortable doing scenes like that with, and it makes total sense. It's such an intense storyline to portray, you've GOT to trust the person you're doing it with. Even though it's just acting, it's huge!