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Clay W

This episode sealed my hatred for Derek. He has no right to be jealous of Meredith and Finn. When he says things like this to Meredith, it boggles my mind that he's a fan favorite. Why? He's a great surgeon, but a shitty partner. I would love for someone to explain to me what makes him so great and why y'all love him so much because even after all this time, I still don't see it.


I think answering that properly would go into spoiler territory so I’ll just say this: I guess every Derek fan (and I am at most someone who just likes Derek, he’s never gonna be my fave though) will admit that he was a real insecure indecisive jackass in season 2. he should’ve just divorced Addison instead of dragging both Mer and Addison into his own indecisive behavior. and like I said I like Derek but not in this season.