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Patreon introduced an optional cyclical system a while back. At the moment, the page charges new patrons up front, and then again at the start of each month. I have the option to switch to a cyclical model that charges the user up front, and then again in 30 days, rather than in-sync with everyone else.

This was a source of a lot of controversy a few years back, as everyone was going to be forced on to this model. My concern personally was how it'd affect processor fees. 

This isn't something that'd affect patron rates or anyone currently pledged; it'd only affect new pledges and myself, if I opt for it.

I've been debating switching to it to make the initial pledge more predictable for new patrons, and it would likely have a positive impact on support count. However the reason I hadn't til now was I was under the assumption that it handled payment processor fees on an individual pledge basis, rather than batching them all together. (35 cents per $3 pledge is a lot more than 35 cents once for all pledges, for instance.) I've realized I don't actually know if this is true or not, so if it turns out it doesn't impact fees, then there aren't really any downsides to switching.

That said I also wanna know what your guys' thoughts were on the topic and if you had had any issues when you initially pledged.


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