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I wanted to do a small style/outfit experiment with Pivot.

Before goin further, I do wanna make a quick mention: I've had an issue recently with someone leaking posts early. If you're gonna put my stuff on boorus, please for the love of fuck wait til it's public first. You seriously can't be that desperate for fictional internet points that you can't wait for a week or two.

I don't mind my stuff going up on boorus as long as it's properly sourced and has been publicly posted. But please wait til it's posted.

Anyway, lore dump time; feel free to skip below if ya just wanna look at the art.


I also just watched Cyberpunk Edgerunners and am feelin inspired. I might've mentioned this before, but I've been writing some notes and works about ways to reformat the PV02 story, scattered throughout the past few months. This would be for a clean-slate reboot (yes, another reboot), with the goal of making the world more cohesive and actually genuinely including the elements I wanted to be in there. I was never happy with how vague some aspects were, and how some character roles were more just distracting and didn't have any bearing on the story itself, etc.

PV02 was kinda what I called a soft cyberpunk, and before the first reboot it was more a post-cyberpunk. But, after closing it down, I thought about how I wanted to dive harder into its cyberpunk influences and actually commit to them.

There's a lot that would change--Pivot would start out with Vigil (Vigilance) as a communications unit, before acquiring the AMP and becoming more active. Vigil handles strictly out-of-city incidents, predominately Glitch attacks, and is forbidden from meddling in domestic matters.

Outside the city, most of the world's kinda shit, due to environmental damage, so androids and basics (non-imprinted AI) are typically the ones to do jobs between cities, but the city itself has a special barrier that helps regulate its conditions to keep it habitable.

And of course, Edgerunners just got me inspired to actually draft up some images / alt outfits to go with the bits of writing I've recorded.

For the record, I'm not planning anything (public) with this story for the time being, but it is something that I eventually want to return to very badly. I also have been thinking about formats for sharing it--one idea that I had was actually making it an episodic animation, but where most of the animation is done Visual Novel style with voice acting, making it way more feasible to produce. (And then cut to full animation if there's any big action sequences.)

Just spitballing ideas.




Honestly? Would love to see that reboot. Even as a side story dream sequence. The design is definitely hitting. Though her knuckles (iron? Steel?) Look a little simplistic when compared to the rest of the design. Like she is choosing them for a reason when stun/electrical knuckle could exist. Drives home her choices being made instead of being made for her.