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★ Sorry for the clog with this month's uploads, I've been hitting the grindstone hard and Thanksgiving family shenanigans + further renovating a little workshop area in the garage blocked that whole effort up even further. Things should be smoother for Christmas.

★ I pushed the big password cleanup this month, so if you notice anything not working (like the polls just were, fug), drop me a line and I'll fix it right up. Seems I left some dumb notation in a couple spots, I'll be doing a regex search for more but if you stumble into one before I find it, lemme know.
★ Scripted the third generation item uploader with a bunch of new bells and whistles like drag and drop support. Should make uploading things easier on my end. It's also a lot cleaner than the gen 2 one.
★ With the new uploader I'm implementing a new type of item - Alts. These will be minor-change files that will function similar to Revisions except they will be entirely tethered to the parent item (this is almost entirely because of all those skin color alts on this month's Kirlia. I want all of those attached to the main item, and you'll be able to scroll through them in tandem with the original instead of clogging up the main display with 5 different items). Basically for anything that's a minor enough change that it probably doesn't need its own individual entry, you'll be able to cycle through things like color changes, glasses alts, etc in one place. Probably will be completed during December.

★ I lied, the stream merger project is getting shelved for a bit because I found out Mega has an API and I want to see if I can get it to not only merge and zip stream recordings, but also upload them to Mega too.
★ The custom font that I made for colored sound effect pictures will either be put in the Gallery, or a folder on Github. Haven't decided what would be better yet. I think I'm going to set up a Github repository for Photoshop scripts too since I keep writing them and there are probably other people who could benefit from em.
★ I've started work on the Sai Animation Assistant 3. This one's going to be a doozy - it can read PSD files, and even do onion skinning directly over top of Sai. It should help me block out animations moving forward, and once I've gotten it to a fully stable state I'll release it as usual.

★ Thanksgiving had its rough spots due to ""the August thing"", but not as rough as expected. Maybe Christmas won't be a mess after all.

Thanks everyone, love you guys.




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